My wife and I just completed a 1k-mile trip yesterday, and during our 65-70 mph drive we heard a frightening banging on our roof. Both of us thought someone had dropped large stones from an overpass. There were maybe 5 bangs, then a pause for a minute, and another 3 bangs. All were loud enough that we feared something would come through the roof. When we were able to stop and look, there were no marks, no change in the roof at all. We've never heard the sound before. It didn't happen again in the remaining 300 miles home. It was a hot day, 90 degrees, and we had air conditioning on. My only theory was that the roof was reacting to the heat. But it's not convincing, even to me. Anyone else had this happen?
had this happen 3 separate times whole on highway in nj... my brother said probably acorns... night time, no roof marks, 2004 176k. ???
I have had an acorn drop on my roof, and it made quite a bang. But I was driving under an oak tree at the time . . .