Has anyone tried installing a replacement screw-on stubbier antenna on their existing 2010-12 Pirus and the reception doesn’t diminish and still looks good? The reason is my existing antenna is bent or curved over and I don’t like the way it looks. I’m leery to go with the Shark Fin because too many people and not just Toyota had said their reception diminished quite a bit after installation. Recommendations please and pictures if you can.
I don't think the reception could get any worse. In fact I think someone removed the antenna altogether and they got the same quality reception. Hey Fore, did you finished the foglights?
If you're going to change the antenna I recommend a shark fin. A stubby antenna is not much better just because the way the technology works is that the best antenna is the longest. As for the loss of reception quality with the shark fin (or stubby antenna), you get used to it in less than a week. Less than half of my stations were affected and that's only around rural, hilly areas.
Not sure how you'd ever get used to bad reception...it annoys the hell out of me, actually the reception in my v3 is the worst of any radio I've ever had, I loose stations completely in areas that were solid as a rock in previous vehicles...thank god for the satellite radio.
Hey Fore, did you finished the foglights?[/quote] Yes I did Spiderman, Sorry to report but at this time I just installed them the normal way for now. Please don't be mad I have until Jan. 2013 to fix them the way you suggested. I do thank you again for all the time you spent to figure everything out.
Yes I did Spiderman, Sorry to report but at this time I just installed them the normal way for now. Please don't be mad I have until Jan. 2013 to fix them the way you suggested. I do thank you again for all the time you spent to figure everything out.[/QUOTE] No problem... glad you got the lights in though.
Is satellite reception unaffected by different antenna? I never listen to terrestrial radio, so I don't care about that.
We're talking about the same type of bad reception. The reception I've experience with my shark fin is definitely tolerable. It's just a light bit of intermittent static. Or, the station is slightly softer. I never lose stations completely. Like I said, hardly noticeable.