Imagine this: A Prius is stopped at a gas station, the owner filling up at the pump. An exotic sportscar pulls up to the pump in front of him. The gasoline price is clearly seen at around the $3 mark. Both are filling up their cars. The Prius pump numbers are slowly moving, while the sportscar pump numbers are spinning like mad (visual metaphor for gas consumption). The smarmy sportscar owner turns to the Prius driver: "This baby goes 60 miles per hour in 3 seconds flat." The Prius owner nods, impressed, as he finishes pumping gas and gets into his car, ready to drive away. "Nice. This baby goes 60 miles on one gallon." Ok Toyota, send me my royalty check....
very cute... but you said it right in your title when you put 'as if it needs one'... i'm sure they have tons of cute ideas for about 5 years from now when sales slow down and demand stops being double the supply...
driven: great add but i think with one small twist, we can make it better... Sportscar driver: This baby can go 60 mph in 3 seconds flat. Prius owner: THIS baby can go 60 miles on 3 dollars even.
How about a Gas Station being by-passed by a continuous line of Prius showing gas gauge on FULL with Large SUVs parked at the pumps with gas gauges on EMPTY!!! :mrgreen: I just wonder if anyone has done an estimate on the impact on foriegn oil imports if all autos converted to Hybrids NOW??.
Have you seen the recent commercial for it? I was watching satelite tv while in Mexico with a large group. During the Friend's finally I saw my first Prius commercial. It started with to characters (people in mascot type suits) one person was an E the other was a \ . These two characters run about the country side in a split screen. Both eventally run into eachother. E\ and it then fades to a gas gauge. Then the Pruis pulls in and skids to a halt. A very dramatic cinematic overture till the end. It made quite an impression.
cmorozco: No i havent No i havent No i havent...jk... i have never seen a Prius TV commercial of any kind and i look for them constantly. I TiVo 90% of what i watch and i primarily watch TV shows that cater to the same demographic as the Prius does. I cant tell you how many times when Fast forwarding through the commercials that i see something and go back just to find out its for some other kind of car. I will say this, i've seen a LOT of Toyota Truck commercials and i must say they are hilarious.
I have only seen the Prius commercial where everyone is moving their feet but not actually moving, one time and that was back in september. I think they canceled it because of the high demand.
The only "commercial" I've seen regularly is the on Public TV (KCET) in Southern Calif., the Toyota Prius is the sponsor of Huell Howser's" shows about California. It short, just show a Silver Prius zooming by.
I've seen a couple different Prius commercials: The Prius is driving through a series of "dots". It's like an Escher(sp?) painting with the dots high, low, left, right. The car drives "into" one and comes out another like some Star Trek wormhole. If you watch closely, you notice that for about a half-second, it goes between two dots backwards. The other one sounds like it is narrated by Jeff Goldbloom. I forget the whole thing, but in the end, there's a point about internal room and the universe is literally sucked into the liftback. And the Pruis is noticibly left off every Toyota dealer commercial I've seen. They mention every other Toyota car. But, of course, it would only make the lists longer. I've often thought that they should build more oasis locations on the Chicago Tri-State Tollway so the Hum-Vees can refill more frequently. Maybe we can write a commercial around that. Here's a thought: can we scan Prius magazine ads and post them? I've seen quite a few different ones in Scientific American (it's the only magazine I get). Some of them are rather clever. Let's see how many are out there. But where is the right place? We can make a thumbnail and link to a larger image. Danny, what do you recommend to be easier on the server?
Saw another commerical for the Prius - this time on Tech TV, did a great job of describing the Prius.