Seriously? Would you be willing to pay $1 each for someones old Playboys, some of which have been, err, used heavily? Are the articles really that good? 20+ Years Collection of Playboy Magazines I've had my father's collection of Playboys ranging from the early 80's to about 2009 laying around the apartment for a couple of years, but now that I'm planning a move, the heavy, space-consuming mags don't make me all that sentimental. I can't say for sure that it is absolutely complete, but my dad had a subscription for all that time, so it's pretty close, and those that I have read through have pretty much all been in chronological order. Issues range from excellent to fair condition, some having been water warped and others with bent or torn pages, but for the most part the collection's in really good shape. I just want to get rid of them, and not wanting to pay the shipping for the few boxes it would take, I'd like to find someone locally who's interested in having the mags. There are some very good articles and it's actually kind of cool to see the evolution, not just of the magazine itself, but of advertisements and popular trends over the last couple of decades. I thought, so, anyways, and I'm hoping you will, too. I'm asking $200, but I'm willing to negotiate. Can box them up for convenient and discrete transfer.
I am sure it has some 'vintage' value. Sleezy as they are, Playboy is an "icon", so I am sure many people would like to own all the copies. Someone could write a good Masters thesis about 'Evolution of Playboy". Also, I am not sure if anyone buys Playboy to read the articles...
Hey, I read the articles. Well yes, I looked at the pictures, too, but some of the writing was actually worth reading. And compared to what's on the net these days, old Playboy magazines would look very tame, almost quaint. At least, that's what I've heard....
I used to read the articles. Some were good. But I would not have bought the mag for them. I suppose maybe someone without access to the internet might want them. Or someone who needs their girlie pics to be air-brushed.
It is amazing the crap that you will find for sale on Craigslist - I always figured that since a post was free people would just take a flyer and post anything. You do not need to find a wide audience - just 1 interested person will do.
I don't understand the need to save any magazines now. Most subscriptions I'd want are on the internet...and in the case of Playboy, what acclaimed short stories have been published also show up in books. Before the internet, I did collect some magazines (mainly science ones). Individual values might be getting higher since more people are just throwing out magazines and it becomes more rare for collectors. On the issue of Playboy, it is one of the most accepted "gentleman's" magazines. I realized they weren't too taboo even when they I was surprised to see some at William Faulkner's library when we once visited his house on a school trip. Distinguished writers might even have also collected Hustler when it came out. It has strong sales even though it's never said people collect them for the articles
I liked Hustler because they refused to accept cigarette advertising, and even printed anti-smoking ads (such as a photograph of a cancerous lung with text explaining that smoking does that). This was at a time when the cigarette companies were still claiming that smoking caused no harm. As for magazines in general, I subscribed to Scientific American and The New Yorker for many years, and could never bring myself to throw out old issues. When I sold my home in North Dakota to move to Mexico, there were boxes and boxes of old magazines in the upstairs storage room. These days, as a member of Diver's Alert Network I get their magazine, Alert Diver, and as a member of EAA I get Current EVents, and I have a hard time throwing these out.
This Might be the Best Craigslist Used Car Ad of All Time. Apparently, it's old per Best Used Car Ad Ever Touts A Teal 1995 Pontiac Grand Am. Someone in the mashable comments posted this gem.
I found this gem thanks to the Flipboard app: Hooniverse Weekend Edition - A Clever Listing for a 1994 Chevy Caprice on Craigslist | Hooniverse. Too bad the original CL ad is gone now.