For those looking for just the JDM style mirror covers and lenses like from the factory and don't care about the extra puddle lights and such I may have found a new source. Something I noticed yesterday as I pulled into a store parking lot. It looks like from what I'm guessing it was, was a 2010 or older Toyota Avalon uses the same mirror housing with the signals as ours do. Just has a different mounting plate, but for what we are looking for it looks like the exact same piece. May save some headaches for the people who just want the signals and don't care about the extra stuff and it can be gotten fairly easy through the dealer. Would be very interested if someone that works at a dealership if they could research it for us. I'm pretty sure these are spot on though. Get back to us and let us know. Hope this works out. I was stunned to see my car parked right next to it and practically have the same mirrors. Hope it works out for those still looking.
Cool find. Unless it's significantly cheaper and you're going to take the trouble to install them, you might as well get the one with the extra puddle light.
Nice catch Shawn!:thumb: I've got a feeling, though, that they'll be a LOT more expensive, but the housings will probably be pre-finished in factory colors-eliminating the painting costs. Time will tell.....
they do look alike!!! Venza's mirrors look similar too but they don't have any signal lights like the one on Avalon. Avalon Prius
old new
For those of you wondering, it was determined that these don't fit. The clips that hold it on to the mirror housing is different.
Nothing at all. That's where I got my second set quite awhile ago. Started with the factory JDM units but liked the puddle light better. Sold the ebay unpainted cover with the JDM signals. The ebay ones have been great. And they were cheap too.
If I recall correctly, you got the version with the blue light, which is technically illegal here. Any problems getting pulled over for that?
Nothing at all........just everyone I've seen with them have had the blue LEDs.......not to crazy bout the blue but haven't seen the white.
Uh, no, it's the opposite. We all have the white version (although it's more of a 6000K white color with a touch of blue hue to it). The blue version is an actual blue color (like what you see on police cruisers) and hence illegal here.
You are correct about the blue. To be honest I hadn't ever hooked that wire up but was planning on it here in the near future just to check it out. Figured at worst it would be a fix it ticket or a warning to disable it. I am just about to post pics of a new toy that just came from Hong Kong today. Hoping to install it before this weekend. It's technically made to fit the Camry, but looks to be the same size. It's the blue lit Toyota emblem, but turns red with the brake lights. Will take pics and post them once it's installed as well. Too damp today otherwise today would have been perfect timing wise.