For many months I have been deciding between cars and for the longest time, I was decided on the elantra. My dad showed me the beauty known as the Prius C, and needless to say, it was like love at first sight. As a family of honda's, it was odd to make that trek across the street to toyota, but boy does this Prii drive like a dream. My car i sold was an 01 Accord EX that had 191K miles on it, and was on its way out. Once it was sold, I got me my black sand pearl prius II and I LOVE it. One thing that is slowly changing is my driving habits, and the lovely people in so cal sure love to tailgate me more, but I want my MPG. And all of you on Priuschat have been instrumental in letting me come to my final decision on getting the Prii C.
thanks! I don't even get to drive it half the time, my fiancé likes to take it from me and drive it whenever she has the chance...looks like we'll be adding another c to the family soon :whoo:
thanks everyone! I love this car! Getting used to the blind spots is the only real tough thing at the moment and getting my overall mpg over 50 is still a work in progress...but it does seem like short trips to the store and whatnot really do kill the mpg. Overall, I can't complain, 49.7 mpg is better than the 21 I used to average!
Congrats~! welcome. getting high MPG is very addictive. lol it's like play a video game. the more MPG you get, the more $$ you save lol
I know what you mean! I tell my dad and my fiancé that every time I drive, I try to increase my overall mpg and have my mpg for that particular trip stay in the high end 50's or close to 60. Its an addictive game and its fun trying to beat my previous score I do have a question for anyone who knows, is there any kind of car cover yet for the c out yet? Ive looked but couldn't find any and guess its because the model is new..