Hi guys, I read a post which said: -------------- "My 2010 Prius that I traded in was such a bust on MPG because I had those horrid 17" tires. Never again!" "The 17s do tend to hurt mpg. Some people don't believe it but I'm the resident curmudgeon when it comes to mpg loss with larger wheels." -------------- So quick question - Should I not get the premium package with the 16'' wheels and instead stick with the standard package with the 15''s? Thanks.
The 16-inch tires have a 37-feet turning circle compared to the 31-feet turning circle of the 15-inch tires. Much more difficult to turn around. I had the same thing in my 2004 P.T. Cruiser, and I don't miss the multi backups for turning around. I, too, wanted the 16-inch tires but quickly changed my mind when I read about the difference in turning circles.
I got 58MPG with the 16" wheels on a tank and get 53-58 mpg a tank now with the 16" so you can get that also if you drive good. The 16" make the car handle very good if your into that then get them if not then pass.
Be careful. Just because you drive good doesn't mean you can get such high numbers all of the time. Some commutes are simply not conducive to high numbers. A short commute or large hills/mountains or rainy conditions can seriously drop average mpg no matter what wheels you run but your numbers will almost always be lower with the larger wheels and wider tires. Nearly always anyway. You are making the same argument that the GenIII Five owners make. They state that because they can get 50mpg tanks that their 17"wheels are not hurting their mpg. None of them to date have swapped to a set of OEM 15" wheels to see what their mpg would be. There is a reason you never see people with 17s posting 55+mpg tanks routinely. lol The good thing about the 16s is they are not THAT much larger or wider than the 15s so the mpg hit may be reduced compared to the other Prius models when they upsize. The drawback is there are not many good LRR tires available in the 16" size yet.
The larger wheel/tire combo isn't an issue for me. I can still do a u-turn and snag a parking spot in W-mart and the malls. I was able to force the issue on a particular spot, but it hasn't happened to me in real-world driving yet. If you live in an area where you KNOW it's going to be an issue, then by all means you would want the smaller combo.
I'm cool with the 16" wheels. Turning circle increase is a non-issue for me. I like the quicker steering and better handling. As far as MPG loss, I've done 55, 56 and 62 MPG 50 mile commutes this week. These include a 4 mile 500-1300' hill climb.
And what would you have achieved with the 15" wheels??? I made a 67.5mpg 48mile commute today in my GenIII. *shrug* It's average mpg that really counts. I only got 47.8mpg on the way there.
What would I have gotten with the 15" wheels? Who knows? But I'm not losing sleep over it. If 62 MPG isn't enough for you, get the 15" wheels. The point is that the 16" wheels are not the bugaboo some people are making out of them.
They are TOTALLY a bugaboo! I would like to point out that your average mpg is only 46-48mpg so far, not 62mpg. One cannot count extraordinary trips as their average mpg. That being said I have stated that the difference in mpg is likely pretty small as is the difference in price paid for fuel annually unles one drives 30,000+ miles a year.
Agreed. I was actually quite proud of getting that 62 mpg today. I typically score 50-52 out and 46-48 back (MID so 2 mpg high) I abandoned the cruise control and Eco and it helped tremendously that it was 60F this morning! As opposed to 25-40F it's been for the last few weeks. Hence my low Fuelly average.
OMG we hit high 80s in so cal today and wow it seems like a lot more MPG on the same routes so far. The warm up MPG went up good! If this is a sign of things to come I think it will be easy to get 60+MPG on the tank with the 16" wheels.
I seem to get my best mpg when temps are between 75-85 degrees. Any higher and the use of AC or having the windows down to cool off myself and the battery will cause mpg to drop again. The newbies in Texas were sitting in the low 40s mpg all last summer. LOL LA and the c are made for each other. lol