I think i am ready to pull the trigger for an OEM look nav unit. I know there is unit from Fly audio, ootonav, advent, Rosen.... anyone know what brand is this one and any comment on it?? eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices
Looks like another generic Chinese HU to me. These things aren't branded at manufacture, as a rule, but they do get branded by resellers, who buy these no-name units, often with their own customised firmware, and then brand them. My guess is that it will be like pretty much all these units, a pocket PC component driving the nav and a radio/DVD component driving the music side. Often the two components are only connected internally by a display/audio switch and otherwise run independently of each other. There is a lot of info on the "Chinese HU" thread that would apply to this unit, I'm sure. BTW, that looks a bit expensive for a generic Chinese HU, as I believe the same (or very similar) model may be available for less elsewhere.
Looks to be overpriced to me as well. The "generic" units without special kind of support should be around maximally 450USD. For now it is better, IMHO, to wait for the Android ICS (or Win 8) based HUs. The disadvantage of two componets concept is, as Jeremy wrote, a different interface for DVD firmware and rest of functions.