Hello all, I know of the slight 4%-10% mph difference commonly discussed here but this morning I noticed a huge discrepency. Speedometer showing 115 mph when Traveling 65 -70 mph on highway. Also showing 50mph while going 30 or so. Tire size is stock. Just noticed it today. Its an 04 Prius with approx 130k miles. Questions: Is it safe to drive it or is this a sign of a larger failure to come? Is it a DIY fix? Figured at least to disconnect battery to see if it helps, good idea? Any advice appreciated. Many thanks. RJ
1.6 conversion so 1 mile equals 1.6 km. 70mph is approx 113kmph so yup that 115 figure you saw was most likely kmph. 30mph=48kmph
OH, that is probably what I did yesterday when I washed the car. How do I turn it back to MPH instead of KPH? I am not in front of my dash, where is the button located to turn it back to MPH??? Thx!