Is the Rejex really simple to use? I've never detailed a car before and am a little worried I could mess it up if I attempt it. Is there any advice you could give on this? Thanks!
extremely easy. just be sure the car is washed, thoroughly dried and cool before waxing... but that's true with any wax. I like it cause it is pretty foolproof and delivers a slick, optically sharp, shiny finish that is easy to apply and remove. With a new car such as the c, it should be a cinch to attain spectacular results. pic of one of my past cars that I used Rejex on and it was on that forum that I learned about this product. I've been using it ever since.
Yay! Thanks for responding! My car was bought 03/31 so it's been about a little over two weeks now but do you think I need to clay bar my car before I put the Rejex on? Second question, when it says you should let the car sit for 12 hours after you wipe it off, does that mean I shouldn't drive it for the next 12 hours then? I don't have a garage, I live in an apartment so I can't really protect it from the elements as well. Do you put this on the glass as well or just the body of the car? Sorry for so many questions, I just don't want to mess my 2 week old car up.. but I want to protect it. And my city has been pretty pollen filled lately, I can wash my car and almost a hour later see a very light film of pollen on my car again, will this be a problem? Thanks again! :cheer2:
Will do! I was planning on maybe doing it this weekend but it's going to rain Saturday/Sunday so I will probably wait until the weather wants to cooperate. Hope I don't mess up! lol.
I would just clay bar it anyway. There are often small imperfections in the paint that are visible but not readily felt by hand. The clay bar will remove these. Hopefully your car is not like mine. I had to clay bar the hell out of it! It felt like sharkskin if I ran my hand across any surface!
If I can't see it, I figure it's not worth the manual labor (but this is coming from someone with decrepit arms).
They all do with a crappy, flash wax type of product. This type of quick wax doesn't last very long, unless you paid for some sort of paint protection package.