Does anyone know for sure if the seatbelt beep can't be enabled/disabled on the 05 models? I had a Yaris as a courtesy car and the passenger side seatbelt reminder would beep if I drove without the front passenger buckling up. I'd like to turn that on on the Prius. I tried the method in the KB. Is there any particular trick (e.g. no passenger in the front seat when doing the reverse beep)
Are you talking about this one? I think the seat belt beep you want to deactivate has to be buckled and unbuckled during the procedure... I definitely have disabled at least my driver's side seat belt beep on my '05...
hmm, can you enable the passenger side? For the driver's one (I'll use this as the control), can I be seated in the driver's seat while I buckle/unbuckle? Also, do I wait or just buckle and unbuckle immediately (while still holding the ODO button)
As a bonus, it will also beep when you have a single hardcover novel on the passenger seat. I've noticed it doesn't require very much weight to cause the passenger seatbelt icon on the dash to flash. The weight of a typical hardcover novel is all it takes in my car.
I think you need a passenger (or a passenger emulating weight) in the seat to get you to the point of enabling the beep. I tried that too unsuccessfully soon after getting the car, but haven't tried since with a passenger weight.
The passenger weight sensor is so sensitive I wouldn't bother enabling the passenger seatbelt beep. If I did, I would have to "buckle in" by groceries, my lunch box, my hardcover novel, or just about anything else that I put in the passenger seat. It takes only a very light press in the center of the passenger seat to set off the weight sensor and cause the passenger seatbelt dashboard icon to flash.