Just got me a new Prius 2012 and it transferred all of my iPhone contacts into the phone book on the Prius. Is there a way to only transfer part of the contacts?
From what I've read in the owners manual and from others on this site, unfortunately not. It sure would be nice if you could...
It just reads your phone address book dynamically. I think they disappear when the phone Bluetooth connection is broken and/or car turned off unless you add them to Stored Contacts. You could upload a selected list of contacts to the Stored Contacts list which stays in the cars memory vs. dynamically read from the phone's addressbook via Bluetooth.
I have a iPhone 4S (but I'm sure this is a iOS 5 setting) and under the Setting, Bluetooth, Devices, select your phone. If you have Groups set up in your Contact list (which I have done via my Mac), you can select a sub-set of Contact you want to sync with your car.
I have a huge list of contacts. Syncing the whole database over BT every time I get in the car isn't going to work well for me.
+1 for this, I know this works. I have mine set to "Sync Contacts, Phone Favorites, Phone Recents" and under "Other Groups" selected None.
I was initially told that it stores contacts dynamically, but I'm not sure that's correct. The fact that BT quickly pulls the contacts onto the car every time doesn't work for me. The first time I pair BT it takes about 40 seconds to transfer my contacts, every connection after the initial I have a quick connection and can see my contact list nearly immediately. I'm just not sure about the workings there. Add the "Refresh phone book list," and I'm further thrown off. Still, Great find by PACOHAAS. I wasn't aware that you could since individual lists. I love it