Sounds more like the rantings of a partisan mind, as far as I'm concerned. Both major parties are calamitous screwups (i.e. BP refused to use a less toxic dispersant for the 2010 oil volcano even after being ordered by the EPA, and there have been no fines charged to my knowledge for that act of defiance), let's try not to turn this into a political thread.
Straying back toward the topic. I've had my Red Prius c Two for 9 days got about 300 miles on it (came with 362) and I'm very happy with it. I've had some trips where the car tells me I'm getting over 70 mpg. I'll fill the tank tomorrow and see what happens on a somewhat regular week of driving.
This is the first time I've fallen in love with a car during the test drive and was even happier the moment I took the car home! Thanks to surgery this past Friday, I've only had the chance to drive it twice. The first time I took the long, relaxed way home from the dealer, after picking it up. I drove it 21 miles and managed to average 66.5mpg for the whole trip! I then took it for a second drive, so my two boys could ride in it for the first time. I drove it for 16 miles and got 62.3mpg. I tried to take it out a third time, but my lack of rest after surgery caught up to me and I forced to lie down. As soon as I'm better, I'll be out trying to beat the 66.5mpg I got on my first drive. I can't wait!
215 miles and 1 week later after purchase, love this car, it's confortable, great navigation and bluetooth features and it saves soooo much gas
I love this little car. Every time I see the EV mode go on I just see $$$ racking up in my savings acct and not at the pump Its only been 10 days but already i have 587 miles on the odometer.
Overall pretty happy with my C2 (after 3 weeks). Sometimes I still miss the manual transmission of my former car ('08 Honda Fit), and I find the stock tires (+ wheel covers) to be uninspiring and/or ugly. Still learning how to drive the car as efficiently as possible, and sometimes miss that extra bit of OOMPH when accelerating to pass. LOVING the 50 to 52 mpg I get in mixed (but primarily freeway) driving. Find it very entertaining to read all the posts/topics on this Forum -- we are definitely an OCD bunch, that's for sure.
Lol, can u wait a lil so others can buy one. Jk, cant wait to get my C, my wife loves her Gen3, im not going to let her drive mine because she might want it instead.
Totally happy. Got 62.14 mpg on my last fillup... number calculated by dividing actual miles by actual gallons. This driving cycle used lots of AC and occasional added pax and shopping hauls.
One month anniversary today! 2700 efficient, trouble free miles. No regrets at all. Now that warmer weather is here in the North East again, my mileage has been going up. Averaged 55 and 56 MPG respectively on my commutes this week. Secret? Eco and cruise control OFF! With them on I barely broke 50 MPG on the same route.
I haven't used Eco mode at all since I got mine and have been blowing EPA out of the water. Regularly seeing 55-62 mpg depending on the trip. This car is soooo awesome!