We have just acquired a 2006 Prius with all the goodies, which includes the nav. system. I haven’t seen anything here about this but it must annoy others too. When starting I am presented with the CAUTION screen. :angry: Besides reminding me to drive safely (which my wife has already done), it asks me to obey traffic rules (which a cop has already suggested). Then after telling me about a bunch of dangerous things it asks me to select a language, which I have done. But it asks every time and every time I need to touch “I Agreeâ€, even if I don’t agree. I see Easter eggs and hacks to bypass the reverse beep (which doesn’t really bother me) but I find nothing to bypass this CAUTION screen, which does. Any ideas will be appreciated.
Lexus has the same thing - doesn't seem like that big of a hassle... But, I am sure someone here will come up with something to turn it off.
Nope, stuck with that for now. I leave my MFD on the Energy/Consumption screens, and call up my NAV only when I'm using it. That saves a bit of button pressing...
hmmmmm What happens if you start to drive and then switch to the Nav? Does it still ask you these questions thereby distracting you while your driving? Would seem unsafe at that point. Good justification to bypass it if it really does this. I get my Prius the first week of January. Until then I am soaking up all the info I can through you guys.
The first time you enter NAV after Ready nets you the "I agree" screen. So far, nothing you can do about it. If concerned, you should only "agree" while stopped...