Should be getting our new Blizzard Pearl Prius V any day now. Ordered one from dealer with ATP and they found one about to be delivered to another dealer with 150 miles. Should be here this week, we hope. Anyone have tips on cleaning the sun and moon roof? Will it hurt it to run through car washes? Wife like to run through them and they have the soft felt like strips that hang down and just drag on the top. That shouldn't hurt the sun and moon roof should it? dwallyn
I have the Blizzard Pearl with ATP also. I have my car hand washed only. Frankly, I don't trust automated car washes regardless of what the roof material is. So far, I have had zero issues with the polycarbonate moon roof. I would imagine that Toyota engineers considered the potential assaults on the roof and designed it to be fairly robust. That doesn't mean taking a diamond drill to it, of course. Best of luck with your new v!! I suspect you will absolutely love it!!!
Ouch, those type washes remind me of huge ScotchBrite pads. Try to find a touchless if you can. Enjoy the new ride!
My smart car has a plastic roof and now shows swirl marks after going through an automatic rag wheel washer. I would save the 10 bucks and take the pleasure of giving it a 20 minute hand wash with 2 buckets of water. That what my plan is if my v 5 with ATP ever shows up.