Hi everyone. I just got a call from my brother who works at the Toyota Dealership. (He is a mechanic there) He talked to Mario, my dealer, and gave me a summery over the phone. I am 3rd on the list now, in front of over 40 other people. I stopped in on my way back home from work today. Being a "special" customer, I know most of my brothers co-workers, and they know me. So I get to go to all of the employee spots, dealers desks, back offices, etc. I actually got to SEE the list. And there is my name at #3. Glad I got my order placed in the beginning of Feb. 2-6, I think was noted on the list. Whoo hooo! Anyway, now my delima. #1 is waiting for Black since NOVEMBER, #2 doesn't want Nav. I'm number 3. A white #9 is in route. While I am considering jumping on it, if the dealer can't get the color switched for person #1, I may pass on it anyway, and wait for my Silver. Before everyone says I'm crazy, even if that is the case, let me explain. I am going into surgery for a hip replacement in a week and 1/2, and wont be able to drive for about a month after. They are not expecting the car for 2 weeks. Since I will be off of work for a total of 10 weeks, I'm thinking of holding out. I may end up regretting it, but being #3, I don't expect the wait to be extreamly long. And haveing a brand new Prius in the garage for a month might kill me! The thought of sitting in it, and making engine noises like I use to with my matchbox cars when I was little, just doesn't seem right! Although my fiance already said she would be happy to drive it for me, to keep it charged up. The White #9 will have black/burg interior, we checked. I have seen a Driftwood in person, at the dealership, and it looked really sweet! I really like the interior look of the ivory, I think better then the black, which is what I would get with the silver. The black plastic, in my opinion looks cheaper. After seeing both in person, I almost wish I would have ordered Driftwood instead. I might be use to my 4Runner which has a Ivory interior and gold. Maybe it is just familiariaty kicking in. Anyways, what a delima I have! What to do, what to do . . . Peter
Medved: I had a partial hip replacement a couple years ago. (Had broken it tripping on the subway steps.) Good luck with yours! I spent 10 days in a rehab hospital after the surgery and it was a real help. After that, a couple weeks with visiting nurses and physical therapists. So you'll have plenty to keep you occupied while your prius is cooling it in the garage. (BTW, if Medved is your real name, did you have a relative named Dave in Philly?)
Hey Gen, Total Hip Replacment (THR) Right Side. My brother had one about 2 years ago, and was home within 5 days. Hopeing the same for me. Thanks for the support! I don't know which will be better, pain free walking, or driving my new prius! Medved IS my real name, but sorry, no relitives in Philly. Later, Peter
Update! I got the call from my dealer last week, while I was in the hospital. A Black #9, is comming in (and its MINE, ALL MINE). This color is actually my second choice, my first was silver, but after seeing some silver in the real world, I think I will like the black better although I have not see that color in the "wild". A little dark window tint, and it will look really stealth! I was told it was arriving in port on the 4th of May, and should be at the dealer ship in 10 days to 2 weeks. This timing will actually work out well, as I still can not drive for about 2 weeks. Does this sound about right? I have no reason to doubt my dealer, but was just wondering about others real life experiences with delivery. I believe that the interior will be the ivory, which again, after seeing in person, I think I like even better then the black/burg which was my fisrt choice. Does anyone have a similar interior/exterior? I also called and got my financing in order thru my bank. Where I actually work at. I thought the rate I got for a new car was pretty good. 4.49% I'm still going to see if there is any better deals at the dealership. But I believe that I also got some discount for being an employee. One other question. Since I just got my hip replaced, I was curious if anyone had any similar medical conditions where you find it difficult to get in and out of cars? If so, is the Prius "easier" to get into and out off then other cars? Prior to my replacment, I had limited mobility and yet the few times I got to get in one, it was "very easy" to get in and out. I have also had neck surgery and neck is fused. So I can not bend my neck up and down very much. Thanks in advance for any feed back. And I hope to see you on the road soon! Peter Medved
Peter: My hip surgery was a partial (ball only) but probably not much different in recovery time than yours. The joint will be solid right after surgery, but the surrounding ligaments that were cut to get access to the bones will weaken your leg till they heal. Allow a few weeks with physical therapy to be safe. The one time I sat in a Prius, I found it as easy to access driver and passenger positions as my '96 Camry. And, if I recall correctly, all positions have assist handles above the doors. (My Camry has only 3; I guess they expected the driver to be more athletic.) Good luck with the recovery and the Prius, a great recovery incentive! Gene
I called my dealer today, and he just return my call about an hour ago. He updated me on the status. The car should be in Chicago on the 16th, and I can expect in in Cleveland near the end of next week. He indicated to me that he would have the VIN number a few days before it arrives, so I can get the rest of my finacing complete. I'm getting excited, and looking forward to getting back out in the real world. I have been home now for about 10 days, recovering from my surgery. I think the timing will be right for me to get back to driving, the day I get my NEW CAR! The freedom driving a car has is unbelieveable. You don't know what you miss until it is gone!
Hi Peter, Best wishes with your rehab, and follow your doctor's directions. I had ordered a tideland #7. I was 3rd on "the list" when I was offered a black w/ ivory int. #7. The first two people on the list had passed on it, but I snarfed that bad boy right up. I love the car including the color. DicksieLee
Thanks for the support on the rehab. It has been 2 weeks today, only using one crutch, and I am able to get along pretty well. There is still some pain, but it seems to be getting better each day. Just not much else to do around the house, other then check message boards and watch TV. At first I had mixed emotions about the Black, but I think I will like it better than the Silver. Black has been a hard color to get in this area "Cleveland", so I feel lucky to have it. I am thinking I should be in by the end of next week. By then I will be able to drive and enjoy the nice weather, continue my rehab and enjoy the month of June off! Thanks again for the support, and I'll keep everyone posted on the status of my delivery. Peter
Just an update, I called my dealer yesterday, and he said to expect the car any day now. I have my Brother, a Toyota Mechanic, who works at the dealership on the lookout for haulers. I really am hoping I get the car before the end of this week. I am still trying to have positive thoughts about it arriving in a few days.