When driving, when I hit a medium-light bump in the road and slightly jar the car, I hear a beep and the car goes into EV mode. This means the rpm's drop to zero, the gas engine shuts off and the car goes electric only. This is a problem because the state of charge then runs the bars on the multi-function-display down to the purple bar level. Also when I hear the beep, the MFD switches screens. This "short" in the system is reducing overall gas mileage and performance. Any clues where to begin to find the problem?
I asume this is in a gen2, (1) Does your car have an EV switch. (2) At what speed approx does this happen. (3) Does the EV light come on.
Start with the HV ECU, behind the dash on the passenger side bottom corner. That is where the pin would have to be added to the wiring harness in order to enable EV mode. See the calcars install procedure for details, specifically pages 7-13. http://www.calcars.org/prius-evbutton-install.pdf
Did you buy the car used? As others are suggesting, it sounds like someone added an EV mod at some point and that there are some wires loose somewhere causing you to go into EV when they contact. Short term, any time that happens all you have to do is exceed 34MPH and EV mode will cancel, or just floor the accelerator momentarily and that, too will cancel EV. Long term, take Seilert's advice and use that link and find the mod and remove it and that should take care of the problem. Either that or fix the short and add an EV button and you can then control EV mode as you like with the ability to turn it on and off at will.
Thanks for the heads up. I did personally install the Enginer kit to the car. It has not been functional for a few months and the kit has been turned off. The car is a 2004 generation two. I do have an EV switch and this problem usually happens between 20 - 30 mph. It's obvious, because I use a scanguage and the rpm's go to zero after the jarring and the beep sounds. I'll see what problems are lurking around there. Thank you. Alan
It would be very help full if in future you give all relevant information I see know mention of an Engineer kit in your first post. This information is obviously relevant to your problem.
It's also helpful to take the time spell check so one doesn't have to spend extra milliseconds deriving the correct meaning. Or alternatively we could both admit that people aren't perfect and just suck up our respective displeasure at that thought and move on without having to comment about it.
i'm with brit. on the first post, i'm thinking standard pri, no ev unless aftermarket and coastal mod or other, not add on power like enginer.
Spell checker wont pick that error up, only a grammar checker. I have that problem too sometimes. I hate it when I make a spelling mistake and it just happens that the misspelled word another valid word. Just earlier today I typed froward when I meant forward and my spell checker didn't pick it up. Hell I don't even know what a "froward" is, but it must be something because the spell checker liked it.
Good lord man, that is a critical bit of information to include in the OP don't you think?? Why is the kit turned off? Perhaps that EV mode connection is not correct to start with and that's what's causing issues with your Engineer kit. I'm moving this thread to the plug in forums.
:focus: this is plug in side of mods If you live in Iowa seek out tech support thru autobeyours or some1
Something is making the connection to ground on the EV mod. 1) Could be a problem with the switch you installed. Access the switch by removing the air vent on the driver's side. Pull it out and check things out. 2) Could be a problem with the white EV mode wire grounding out somewhere along the path from the passenger side to the driver side. To rule out the switch, completely disconnect the white wire, being sure to wrap the end in black tape to make sure it can't ground out. If it still happens with it disconnected from the switch, then you'll have to check the wire itself and its path. Most likely the issue will be near the ends since the rest of the wire is covered by the thicker grey sheathing.
I was just getting ready to order one of these, but now I'm thinking it may not be such a great idea.
Would be pretty hard to order in the US since they are out of business. Shops like mine are supporting existing customers, but I have not done any new install in awhile.