Regular was $4.84 in Kalaheo, Kauai in Hawaii for my fill up this afternoon. What is it in your area?
In the bay area it ranges anywhere from $4.09 at some cheap convenience stores to $4.39 at tier one (shell, etc.) stations. This is for regular gas.
We have gas at $3.76 - $3.89 here in Monroe, GA. Which isn't bad especially seeing that HI is averaging $4.50. I'll stay down here in the land of sweet tea. iPad ? HD
I am sure there are other perks to living in Hawaii. Just think, Mississippi is still in the 50's in so many ways.
and here's a nice chart utility where you can enter your approximate location and how long you want the chart to be from 1 month to 8 years and see what has been going on. Really, its hard to remember what gas prices were over time, this makes it crystal clear. It shows regular fuel only, not ethanol blend. so if you have price dif between those you would have to factor that in. Historical Price Charts - Iowa Gas Prices
$3.79-$3.89 here in central western Jersey. Seems to have stabilized there after some spiking a few weeks ago. I expect another spike shortly when the Jersey shore travellers start coming through.
I just bought a tank from Wilco-Hess at $3.76. It is just starting to drop a little after climbing to about $3.89 in Wilmington, NC.
In PA we have about national average prices $3.81-$3.89 There is also the summer additive premium that they add in, also raises the price a bit. Not sure when they start adding it though.