So you're in Starbucks on your iPad planning your Spring ski trip to Revelstoke. After much internet search and investigation, you find that cool little B&B plus four other stops you want to make on the 2,000 mile trip in your snow Prius. You log on to Entunes on your iPad while you get jacked up on your 10th latte, you save the destinations in Entunes and off you go. When you get in the car, you make your Entunes internet connection open Nav and tell it to navigate to Saved Locations. It sucks the saved locations out of Entunes to the Nav and stores them on the Prius memory and says "Go that away". Also works for any other spot you find on your various internet surfing while you are supposed to be working, save it to your Entunes account and it's available to you in the car.
Would be even more useful for short trips if my iPhone could connect without digging around in the console to plug in the cable and then hide the phone away in there... I have been wishing there was a way to send a destination to my GPS, I suppose this is one way, but will it work once the 3 year Entune trial is over?
I broke down and added the "Personal Hotspot Tethering" from ATT for an extra $20 a month so I can do the Bluetooth internet connection to the Prius without the cable. I want traffic every day for my commute and, like you, don't want to be putzing around with cables etc. Entunes stores the addresses for you so you can a weekly data dump. And over time, you should be storing your favorites anyway. It is fun to do a web search with Bing (which is somewhat lame search engine vs. Google) and then hit "Navigate" to the spot or call them. That, plus traffic interface, is the key to having a internet connection for the car nav for me.
Just get an iPhone mount with pass though connector and just dock it and charge it while you drive. No need to hide the phone since you would take it with you when you leave the car.
How do you save destinations in Entune? Are the results from the Bing app the only way you can save an address?
Any destination at you've been to can be saved. DEST>MY DESTINATIONS>SAVE button on that screen, just below HOME. Once you're in, choose the address from PREVIOUS DESTINATIONS