Well, we certainly are one of the largest both in size and inventory - so sales as well. We are also #4 in the USA for HYBRID sales, and #10 in the USA for the year in all hybrid sales. Out of Ihavenoideahowmanyhundredsofdealersthereare... LOL One of my MasterPlans is to climb even higher so by year-end, we're in an even higher position... but it takes a lot of hybrids to get there. As they say, turn and earn! Anyone seeking anything we build, from the Camry hybrid to the Prius c, v, PLugIn, Liftback, or Highlander Hybrid, to the rest of the models we build, just email or call if you're within reasonable distance. If you found me here, you're in great hands!
Damn STRAIGHT baby. Took me YEARS to get here. Well over a decade. And, that's just with hybrids. I was selling new 1980 Toyotas way back when!
I just wish I would have met you 4 years ago! But I'm glad I know you now! Give Sascha a belly rub from Margie and I!
I got a 5 lift back from Manhattan Beach Toyota.The salesman was Jack,Very non pressure and very nice,Not like the usual car salesman's attitude.I would highly recommended them. Way below MSRP.Great lease deal and miles allowed..
Heavens yes I will! I should send you pics of Sascha and Murphy.. they are best friends. Both rescue kittens. Murphy was abandoned in a McDonald's parking lot, and one of the gals in my business office asked me to take her not too long after I lost my beloved Jaxon. She must have been a scavenger for a while because she totally tears into anything you have in a big (food, or otherwise) and she will eat ANYTHING... Sascha was abandoned by her momma at 1 month, and my friend Sara nursed her back to health after some wicked eye thing and cold symptoms... she has a very tender tummy in regards to what she can eat... but they are SO fun!!