I have it already for a week, Winter gray and was disgusting filled with tree pollen and road dust. As in all the vehicles I have I used Meguiars liquid soap to give it a fresh wash. What other products do you people use to? And after a good rinse and looking with detail, I'm seeing a lot of orange peel or mini ripples in the car paint finish, mostly in the rear quarter panels. Is it my illusion or other PiP owner are having the same quality in their paint finish? I'm really very disappointed at paying the gigantic amount we are paying for the vehicle and ending up with a horrible finish. Very disappointed. Would it be a case for TMS involment? ERICA ????
I keep my cars in the garage, and usually am able to keep them fairly clean with regular use of a California Duster and wiping with Meguiars Quick Detailer. The Prius gets the most daily use, so I usually wash it more often, probably on average of once every three weeks. My Lexus usually gets only one wash per year, following our annual cross country road trip. It doesn't get out much otherwise. My Miata is a fair-weather, top down car, and gets an actual wash around 3-4 times per year. I use Meguiars products almost exclusively, and I like their Gold Class liquid car washing product. We're having a bit of rain lately, and when I pull into the garage I take an imitation chamois or soft towels and wipe down the car. I don't do this if I have driven a lot in the rain and there is mud on the sides, etc. And I only do this when I know I'm not taking the car out the rest of the day. Regarding the finish on my car, I am satified. I mentioned in another thread how I noticed the color and finish on the charging port door don't match the rest of the car. Other than that, I think the finish looks pretty good. I've waxed it once, and will do so again pretty soon.
This past Wednesday, I went to the car wash for the first time since I got my PiP (about a month ago). Today it is very windy and it rained. Alas, my car needs to be washed again! I am very happy with the paint quality on my car and my color selection (clearwater blue).
Photos? (Close-ups?) A few months back, I bumped (literally) into one of my big trash cans when backing out of the driveway. Because of where the dimple was - right above the wheel well where there's some styling - the suction method wouldn't work. So a full fender replacement. Anyway, the body shop I used told me that Toyota has a really good reputation in the business for good paint and clear coat finish. I guess it's always possible for something like this to slip past QC - especially when they're cranking out 2,100 units in three months. Hope you get it resolved.
Yes, I noticed quite a bit of orange peel, more so than my Infiniti. But I wasnt expecting much either, I suppose. I've had my car for about 6 weeks now and havent washed it yet. I guess I've been lucky with the rain, so far. It appears there was some kind of wax applied from Carson Toyota since the water still beads pretty good. I hope to wash it this weekend. I'll probably also clay it and apply a coat of Opti-Coat while I'm at it.
And... Just got done washing mine again for a trip tomorrow. I used to swear by stuff from griots garage, and while I still do like their products, I recently tried some stuff from chemical guys. Their glossworkz Car wash leaves an amazing shine behind after washing and as a follow up after washing in between waxing I use their hybrid v07 High gloss spray sealant. It makes the winter grey metallic shine like no ones business and makes the surface SO ultra slick. I still do Zaino sealants every few months but for washing and in between sealant applications I am loving this stuff. The hybrid v07 I am liking more then the griots garage spray on wax I have been using for years... Here's links to the two products I mentioned. Glossworkz-AUTO WASH -Gloss Booster and Paintwork Cleanser ( 1 Gal) HYBRID V7- Optical Select-High Gloss Spray Sealant & Detailer (1 Gal)
Wash the car? What's that? Seriously, we hardly ever wash our cars. I'll occasionally run it through a gas-station machine if it's really dirty. The universe usually provides a method for cleaning the dust, dirt & pollen off of the cars. It's usually called rain...
And if you live in So Cal, even if you DO wash your car, don't ever admit it to anyone from Northern California! And NO we do not ALL "wash" our driveways! LOL (but, alas, there are still those who do - heedless of the trip their water has taken, and who it was taken from - just to be washed down the gutter)
Quick rinse, turn off hose. Soapy water in bucket, wash entire car. Rinse down, turn off water. Dry with towels or chamois. I see more water wasted by local government on greenbelts and landscaping, with runoff flooding the streets, and also by watering when it is raining!
There's a city ordinance here prohibiting runoff from private property. I guess natural precipitation is exempt. Washing cars in driveways is almost impossible, though many still do it. There's a pretty good hand wash near here, it's always packed. So when I get lazy in the summertime, I pony up the $20 for a wash. And yes, the number of overflowing center medians and park sprinklers going full blast during the rainy season is always a head-scratcher…
Does everyone was their car themselves? I take mine to a local place and they do a darn good job of washing it. (Although I do get a little paranoid that they might not be as careful as I am).
That is always the problem with me to. Once in a blue moon I will take it to a friendly hand car wash but the attention to detail.....you can be in top of the workers up to certain point, darn!!!
I used to do so regularly, but since the last water emergency a few years ago I've maybe only washed it myself a handful of times. Much easier to find a good hand wash (not the kind at the corner "rinse and go" - but a place that has a good recycling system) and get it washed there. And of course, then there's the small but growing laziness factor, too.
I go to the real car wash about twice a year, and the drive-thru every month or two (and do the inside as needed).
I use Optimum No Rinse to save water. I've been using it for years. No Rinse Wash and Shine I detail my vehicles often. I like the Collinite brand of waxes. 476 on light colored cars and 845 on dark colored cars. They last a long time. Optimum Car Wax makes a great spray topper after a wash.