Yea that's where I see it. That's where they're going to make their money on these deals. It's all about the factory money. Dealer cost is 22806 according to true car. The cheapest 12 I see on their site runs about 25k. I don't see the 23k one. If they do then send me that route
It just boils down to supply and demand in a particular area. If the demand is high and supply is low, negotiating the price may be harder. When I bought my pri back in february, my 2 local dealers had over 30 and 40 respectively prius's in their car lots with a lot of 2011's. Now, one of the dealer's have zero inventory and the other has 6 left in just a matter of 5-6 weeks. If the demand is not high in your area, you may get a good discount. Keep doing your homework because it pays off when you do.
Might be worth driving out to the boonies to find one on a lot. Don't those dealers down there allow a customer to walk in and order exactly what they want? With ordering, there should not be any supply or demand issues. It takes a month to get your car from the factory in Japan. 12 days of that is to cross the pond. Easy Mike
They do like you stated WEOH. Other's just couldn't wait for a month. If you have the time and patience, why not. There is always a number of options to which route to take.
The wait is interesting but it will be worth it when the day comes that I get to bring her home Mike :tea:
Not quite the way it works, having just been schooled on making special orders from Japan. Having a special order fulfilled is more dependent upon what options are ordered than anything else. And, from what I've learned, allocation, build, and delivery all have separate timelines coming from Japan. In my own case I have learned that the VIP Security System is what is keeping my order from coming out of the queue. I have since found a virtually identical Model Five with the same options except for the VIP Security that will be arriving at a Bay Area dealer tomorrow. Not a special order, but still a rare combination of options. If it weren't for stupid me ordering the Security system, my local dealer could have possibly transferred the allocation. So supply and demand are still significant factors for special orders coming from Japan. If you order a common option set then there shouldn't be too much problem other than getting the allocation redirected to your region. This has been my experience for the past two months of waiting. YMMV. iPad ?
Ouch, 2 months? I suspect that security system can only be done in the factory? Not a port install? Mike
Even without a security system the Prius is notoriously difficult to steal, i would take the 5 that's available and do an aftermarket system if that's important to you!
I am not surprised to see this. My wife and I both bought one in March. The wife originally wanted a Prius C Level 4, but was told that it would 14 to 16 weeks before they could get what she wanted. They could not even get her a regular Prius 3 with the sunroof package in their region.
Wish I would had purchased in February but that's alright. Hopefully at the end of this month I can strike up some sort of deal
Be willing to travel for a deal and never give up There is always a dealer somewhere that will bargain for a sale. Enjoy the weekend, Mike :tea:
Love the optimism. Here's to hoping that dealer is local. If not, I hear Austin is nice this time of year