To give you an idea of why I want pictures at times. The Prius logo isn't right, yet. I'm still experimenting with the filters for that one but the girl turned out pretty well, I think.
Whoa, well I guess, sometimes. I wasn't fine with the color of the car in the initial picture. ANYthing but Silver Pine Mica. I don't mind the girl, really. Please! One of my favorite shows of all time is Baywatch! And no, I don't watch it for the dialogue. LOL! Not all wimmin think exactly alike...although I had a good chuckle at the picture Maggie posted.
I'm perfectly happy with most colours, as long as they don't mind being washed and waxed regularly. :blink:
Just move the logo more to the right and bend the bottom of the "S" so it's wraped around her left Chi-Chi. Then, just clean under her right arm a bit and it's golden. Remember to zoom in to make things easier. Me like
Perhaps red is better? This one was done quickly, I copied the car from Toyota's website and made it bigger, which is always a bit of a degradation in pixels when using Photoshop. 137 downloads of the first one so the car's color isn't that bad, evidently. B) maggie, you're free do come up with your own, er, model <heh heh heh>
We may be about to lose Mr. Dodge to the Toyota marketing department. Or maybe we should re-think the calendar...Danny...?