Just got the SGII with the X gauges. My goal is to adjust my driving habits to maximize fuel efficiency. 1. How did you set it up? For example, tank size 10, 11 or 12 gallons? What about the "cutoff", which is set to 24 by default? 2. Which gauges do you use? (Default or X gauge). 3. I want to use the TPS gauge but it starts at 14 and tops at 63, which is a bit confusing. What does that mean? 4. Do you have problems with the X gauges? I was able to get "State of charge", but when I try to enter the "Relative Throttle Position", the scangauge starts displaying weird symbols in place of some letters. (have to reset it to fix, hope it's not defective) Thanks!
1. The set up is in the instruction manual. If you do not have one go to the LinearLogic website and download one. The tank is 11.9 so I entered 12. The cutoff is explained in the manual. 2. Mostly XGauges but some of the default gauges. 3. TPS is for Throttle Position Sensor which gives you the accelerator pedal position from min to max position. The cutoff, as explained in the manual, says to set cutoff a few numbers above minimum. 4. If your firmware revision is above 4.5 this is a known issue with the new revision SG's. To clear this you will need to Reset Default Values and then re-enter the Setup parameters again. Pain in the butt. If you will, send an email to LinearLogic technical support and file your complaint. They say they have been working on a solution for over a year now with no resolution.
Thanks for the answers. I am still not clear on the cutoff. I know the manual explains it, and I understand its when the fuel injectors are stopped when idle. But since the Prius shuts off the engine when idle, is there even a cutoff at all? Also regarding the fuel tank, I know it's 11.9, but due to the fuel "bladder", you'll never burn 11.9 gallons before you run out fuel. Depending on a lot of variables, you can run out of fuel at 10-11 gallons. So programming the Scangauge to 12 gallons would give inaccurate miles-till-empty values. I will contact support about that glitch. Glad to know it's not a defective unit. So which gauges do you find most useful for daily driving?
The cutoff for the hybrid is just a means for the SG to know when to shut down on something other than the ICE stopping like on non-hybrid vehicles. That is why you configure it for a Hybrid, give it a TPS position and change the shutdown to loss of comm. It uses the TPS to know that your foot is off of the accelerator. SG uses the tank size to calculate tank refill info along with mpg. It adjusts each time you fill up and reset the tank refill info. Just set it for 12 gallons and fill in the gallon information on each refill and the SG will take care of the rest, including miles to empty. Thanks for contacting LinearLogic customer support. They have asked me to get as many PC members to report their issues as possible. My most used XGauges are MPG, RPM, ICE Coolant Temp and Cabin Temp, especially in the mornings during warmup. Now that the temps are in the 70's here I have been monitoring HV battery temps and battery fan speed modes in the afternoons.
Hi Soylent-- #1 - I left it at 12 gallons (my previous car had a fuel tank of 11.9 gallons), but I never use that feature, given the wild swings of fuel capacity the bladder has. Just a month ago I had one tank of 46 MPG, followed by one of 73 MPG. If you -absolutely- wanted to use the "miles to empty" feature, I'd set the tank size to 8 gallons. #2 - I use RPM, SoC, TPS, and IGN. When I start the car I'm watching IGN like a hawk, the minute it goes positive from -10 (S1 warmup), I'm on that EV button immediately to save fuel. RPM I also use to ensure the engine's only on when it needs to be. #3 - I just use it as a relative function - 18 when coasting in SHM, 21 when accelerating in town, 23 on the highway. Sometimes more (25, 27, 29) if going uphill. #4 - No problem with XGauges here, but I'm using something like version 3.17.