Here in California we may probably have the largest share of Prii on the road so most drivers are used to them. Even then, and despite the fact that I do not drive slow, or block other cars on the road, I sometimes see some aggressive behavior from some drivers towards me. So this is what I do: If they tailgate me, I assess the vehicle and its driver first. If I feel I am really not a match, I try to move out of its way. Otherwise, I purposely slow down, but very gradually, like one MPH every 10 or 15 seconds. They usually get the hint that I am aware of them but I am not backing down. So they eventually move to another lane and pass and leave me alone! If they try to purposely block me from merging into the traffic, again, if their vehicle is not very threatening, like a huge SUV or a big truck, I just floor mine! And I can usually use the element of surprise to get ahead of them and be successful in merging into traffic. Of course I never compromise safety to just prove a point because that is dumb by itself. But if I feel I can safely put them back on their seats, I am always game!
I haven't noticed any difference between the way I'm treated in the CRX, the F250SD, or the 09 Prius. People hate me inwhatever I drive because I driver slower than them. Tiny Car-Slow. Big Truck-Slow. Prius-Slow. Time to go around, ASAP. But, when I feel the need for speed in whatever I'm driving and start driving like they usually do, I'm the same butthole only opposite. Tables being turned is also unpopular. I guess you just can't make some people happy no matter what.
My second car is a 1-ton crew cab long bed diesel pickup. I can tell you without a doubt that people give larger vehicles more respect and clearance.
Definitely is Prius specific. I had an Escape Hybrid, drove exactly the same, 5 over the speed limit, right and center lane. Same route, same speed in the Prius except now there's often a big rig tailgating me even with plenty of room to pass on the left. I think it's the basic combat radio flat earthers who don't believe US running out of oil, climate change, environment, etc. Prius symbolizes all of that and threatens their faith based world and it's on THEIR road..right in FRONT OF THEM.
Oops! I don't believe the US is running out of oil. I don't believe in man-caused climate change, and I'm definitely in the faith-based world, AND I'm a Prius owner. It's pure economic factor for me.
Round these parts you have to do an opposite signal. If you want to change lanes left, you put on your right turn signal. The people in the right lane close up to keep you out, and ironically, the people in the left lane open their ranks cause they know there is going to be trouble and you may have to come flying back and over-correct. Quickly signal left and go. When trucks use their Moses blinkers down here (turn them on and traffic is supposed to part), or start to drift over the line in order to intimidate you into backing off, I snuggle up under their mirror and up to the line on my side. They are so confused as to why their p*n!s extension didn't frighten me off. When large vehicles do pass me, I usually get in behind them to take advantage of their dirty air (about 4 lengths back) and let their egos supplement my mpg's. I am always going the speed of traffic and never play slow down with anyone, though, so I am blameless, right?
Not me. If they're at fault, I cuddle up and make them nervous. Nothing like countering the lane encroachment game with my own encroachment. Its hard to respect someone driving a large truck by themselves in to a desk job in the city. Of course, if it is a work truck, I always give them the respect they deserve. I would also like to add, if it is a work truck, festooned with tools and ladders, etc, I feel I am doing my part to keep demand down so the cost of doing business is less for them, as opposed to the boys who like to play truck and drive their spotless make-believe work trucks to their downtown desk jobs. Pansies. (Hey, I'm an old curmudgeon, it is what it is.)
Be sure to smile and wave as you pass them at the gas station, maybe even give the horn a toot for good measure lol
LOL! You are EVIL! What a funny trick about using the opposite blinker to make a space in the lane where you want to go! I can see the accordion effects of the bunched drivers on one side trying to keep you out, and the other drivers backing off--I've seen it happen, but never thought to capitalize on it through road psyops! Around here that isn't generally necessary. But I do see where a technique like that would have come in useful in Boston. Though the drivers outside of Boston proper were very civil, inside Boston (particularly the Tobin bridge) was positively cutthroat! I don't remember any regular sized trucks using the Moses blinker on me, but as a teenager I lived in Germany and my driving instructor was a German national. So I clear vehicles when passing with alacrity. "Stagnant" driving--when two vehicles are alongside each other for more than a minute (unless the traffic is congested anyhow) gives me the heebee jeebies. I will have to watch for opportunities to use the "cuddle" with passenger trucks in the near-future. It sounds rather fun! With the big rigs, I interpret their turn signals as a message to clear a spot. And whether that means stepping on the gas or easing up, boy, do I clear them a spot! I thought that you had be close enough to see the whites of their eyes in order to draft off their rear bumpers?
Lots of Prius owners hide their inner tree hugger behind the "It's just business, Sonny" fantasy of saving money with a Prius. You don't really save money with a Prius. Those numbers are run again and again by everyone from Consumer Reports to Wall St Journal. But you do cut your oil use (a real patriot act), cut your greenhouse gas emissions and do it with science. It's OK, we won't tell your hunting buddies. You're a lumberjack and you're OK. But back to the question, yes everyone driving a 50 mpg car vs. current 24 mpg average would come very close to eliminating the single biggest threat to US national security and US economy, oil imports.
I traded in my 2011 Tacoma for my new 2012 Prius (yes, I did take a little hit, but not much, and they're paid for). Yes, 70% of other drivers drove differently around the Prius, initially. Then, I put my Lifetime NRA Member sticker on the back, and that has stopped the majority of issues. Most of the jerks now seem to be other small car drivers, usually wanting to go way over the speed limit. Not one experience with a Prius driver being a jerk. Most of the rude experiences I have are college kids driving mach 1, but I also work at the university. I like my Prius. I have a long commute, and it's comfortable. I'll have another pick up, soon, for camping. I'm a Republican, gun owner, and Bible believer. Perhaps, a Prius used to be seen as a liberal icon. It's not. It's a car, and spending less on gas is a conservative idea. And yes, there is a 20 round Mec Gar magazine in the Sig Sauer combat pistol loaded with +p hollow point ammunition in a nice holster within reach. And, yes, the Prius and guns go to church. Usually, on Sundays I have a nicer .45 ACP, though. Whatever your bent, faith, or political views, I do wish you all the safest driving experience, and best of success for you and your family. God bless. Be safe.
It's a bit cool tonight, so I'm wearing my NRA Lifetime member fleece. Me--Very conservative, libertarian-leaning, with green tendencies (when the engineering works out). Bible-believing, non-believer into carbon-dioxide global warming, organic garden-growing, and wants the government to shrink into a much smaller parasite.
"Then, I put my Lifetime NRA Member sticker on the back" Hmmmm.... that gives me an idea... I am not sure if its legal... but is it allowed to put one of these signs on the back of car? DOT Hazard Class: DOT-9904 - RADIOACTIVE III CONTENTS ACTIVITY TRANSPORT INDEX 7-Safety Signs DOT Hazard Class: DOT-9888 - INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCE 6 IN CASE OF DAMAGE OR LEAKAGE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY PUBLIC HEALTH AUTHORITY IN U.S.A NOTIFY DIRECTOR - CDC ATLANTA, GA 1-800-232-0124-Safety Signs (ok so these two in the links would be more funny and less believable) But if you put a sign that said "organic Peroxide", "hero sensitive area", "Osha danger", "microwave radiation" or something else where a person can say "hhhmmmm I don't know what the heck that is, but it sounds dangerous." Or get one of those flammability dot signs with just a code like this... DOT Hazard Class: DOT-9918 - FLAMMABLE 3 1263-Safety Signs That way they wouldn't know what you have in the back of your car.... .... I feel like the guy from the red green show now... giving awful and stupid advice... but whatt can I say?
I experience the same thing here alot. My favorite is I'm in the slow lane accelerating good from a red light (in front of the pack) and have the Ford pickup right on my bumper. I then accelerate way past him quickly. Watch the Ford pickup try to catch me. Then I slow down a little and let the Ford do a victory pass around me at usually 30 miles above the speed limit at this point. Hoping there's a cop down the road. Idiots. This issue depends on how red neck your town is. In urban area people could care less what you drive but its the red necks who really hate the car. The bigger the pickup the more they hate. Because its a green car and saves alot of gas that means your a communist according to the Republicans. And my favorite is the car is the worst polluter on the road as apparently Toyota just throws the dead hybrid batteries in a landfill. Right. Go on any YouTube about a Prius and see how negative the comments are.
I did notice it too! We just got our first Prius about a month ago and in the beginning I thought it was my imagination. But reading your post I realize the same might be happening to me too. The other day, a young lady (being polite here), almost caused an accident because she would not let me merge. I could see the disdain in her face as we left the traffic light a little earlier...... well, just wanted to share. You are not alone. lol
Yes of course its a liberal icon and your party went out of its way to make sure of that. Anything green is communistic and something else I won't mention here. You only now say its not an icon because now your drving one. And spending less on gas is now a conservative idea? Really. You have to put an NRA sticker on your car for people not to hassle you? Thats a nice bunch of people there. Who brings a pistol to church? A few months ago locally an idiot brought his pistol to church. When the service was over back in the closet he pulled it out and showed another idiot. That idiot is interested in the gun and while handling it pulled the trigger and not knowing the owner left a round in the chamber the bullet went through the wall and killed the pastors daughter. I'm sure your pastor feels really secure knowing you have a hand cannon on you. God, guns & gold. Amen.
Just read your post for the first time.... "Opposite signal"... that's hilarious! You were joking.. weren't you? Around here we have lane blockers (commonly referred to a yo-yo's because of their varying speeds) that somehow- without ever even glancing over in your direction- seem to match your speed to within 1/1000 of a MPH - no matter if you slow down or speed up- effectively preventing you from entering their lane. The simple solution is patients, we simply speed up and wait it out till they're blocked by the next car ahead of them and they can no longer speed up to block you- then you stay stationary next to them for a bit so they're blocked from the front and the right- once they're good and annoyed- we pass the lead vehicle and merge in front of them. My guess is around here they use the dark side of the force to sense your position and speed for lane blocking The nice thing is, around here you don't have to wait long for revenge- there's always another A-hole coming up from behind. We have an endless supply of them here in NY! In most cases- it's only a matter of minutes before the douche-bag who was up your butt for doing 70mph in the right lane will have a double or even triple douche-bag climbing up his butt aiming to go 85mpg in a 55mph zone. My personal favorite is when you see a $100K plus Hamptons bound Ferrari in the left lane being being tailgated by a 1999 Kia beater with baloney skin tires and blown out windows