It appears that you've changed something recently. I use the site in "Mobile/iPhone" Mode. I've used it on my iPhone for over a year and it works well. I've used it this week and it worked correctly, but today, it is "broken." The font size is eirher minuscule or enormous. Pages are not formatting correctly on iPhone. Please see the attached screenshot. You can clearly see that PriusChat text is much too small. I have iPhone 4 (AT&T) running ios 4.3.1. Let me know if you have any questions. I will reply to this post when it appears to be fixed. Thanks!
PriusChat still works horribly on the iPhone. Your "Mobile/iPhone" skin used to work perfectly. You've really broken it. Please revert it to the way it used to be; it was fantastic. Why did you break your website?
On the very bottom left of, scroll all the way down and you find a pop-up menu that says "PC2009". Tap it and change to "iPhone/Mobile". It used to work perfectly and very quickly on the iPhone, but for the past month, it's been broken. I keep bumping this thread hoping that Management will notice some day.
Yes, what happened to the mobile site? It is unusable on the iPhone (don't know about other mobile devices). On the iPhone, both safari and skyfire show the bad mobile site.
I don't use tapatalk. If their mobile site isn't working then they shouldn't offer it as an option. It used to work so well.
It might work great on Android, for all I know. Buy Tapatalk; it's vastly better than any mobile website, and it works with hundreds of online forums.