Just got back from the range today with the new Sig P238. What a fantastic gun. Super accurate. No FTF or FTE at all with the first 150 rounds. Any other shooters out there?
Nice gun. I usually only end up ever shooting for and at work. I have not shoot for fun personally for quite some time now. I have 8 acres one of these days I may build a range... Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Yeah it is that's what I mean about only shooting at work lately. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
That's a nice pistol. I shoot mainly rifles for recreation now, but I have been thinking about replacing my cheap old Kel Tec P9 that I use for concealed carry. I have checked out several Sigs over time and really liked the P224. It has really nice balance.
Sweet looking machine, there. I shoot, but not too much any more. I've got a 1991 A1 .45. Pretty accurate for a .45. Also have an M14, L1A1, Colt Woodsman, and an old S&W .38. Have to pay to go to an indoor range now, can't use anything in .308 that doesn't have a soft point, and it's always pretty crowded.
.45's are very nice. The pistol I have is actually a reproduction of the old Colt Mustang. They sold the tooling and schematics to Sig Sauer and now Sig makes it, with some improvements, as the P238. Sig also has a 9mm version coming out soon called the P938. I also have an old Colt police .38 revolver that is a great shooter.
I used to shoot (recreationally) quite a bit, and my last military unit (NCW) had me on the range nearly every month. Both have slowed down radically over the last few years. I'm in a Voluntary Training status now, and I've turned down the last few invites to go to the range with my old unit since I'm too busy (and lazy) these days to get up at oh-dark-thirty and spend all day firing and cleaning weapons. I really need to get an M9, since I'm fairly proficient with that piece, but I usually carry a 5-shot S&W (.357) unless I know I'm going to be parking in a location that I can't carry into, and then I carry a Colt MkIV (which is a horrible carry weapon!) This allows me to just carry the receiver with me and leave the slide assembly and mag in the car. I'm on 5 acres, and so I really have no excuse not to shoot more often excepting that it's expensive, time consuming, and I've just fallen out of the habit. I really have to do some more proficiency firing with the Smith, since it's my primary carry piece, and my vision isn't what it used to be. the Sig is a phenomenal pistol for a sport shooter! I used to put some rounds through a P226 in the Navy (although I always qualified on and carried an M9) but it doesn't work for me for a carry piece, and I can't cost justify another pistol for sport shooting these days. I usually carry my Smith with birdshot in the first hole for when I'm knocking about in the yard, and I've always been a little leery of feeding a shot shell through an autoloader. Nice thing about wheel guns....never any feeding or firing problems! No safety features, and I've always disliked having to fire my first round with an M9 in double action since it makes for a looooooooooooooong trigger pull. In fact...the last few times I shot for scores I did better when I thumb cocked the weapon as it was coming out of the holster....something that our RSO used to grumble at me about (RHIP ) I also dislike staggered magazines...unless I'm wearing the weapon in a drop holster, which rather negates the necessity for a CCP..... I usually eschew indoor ranges, although I find that I'd MUCH rather be in a room full of shooters than a room full of ideologues discussing the latest political issues. There's always good-natured kidding about this weapon or round versus that one, but the conversation is always much more adult oriented. Nothing like a room full of loaded weapons to moderate the insults and childish behavior! Good luck with the Sig!!!