Today was my first morning commute without Howard Stern. I did not think it would matter but, I could not find anything on the radio to listen to. This could be a Sirius affliction. jrohland
Look at it as if he's on a 3 week vacation and "Best of Stern" is stuff you never liked. I've been in Minneapolis for 4 years...(he was cancelled here 3 months before we moved here)...and only heard tidbits when I visited family and friends in NJ. Now I see some Sirius changes in my future!
Citadel Broadcasting removed him from the air in my area several months ago. Said he talked too much about Sirus. I haven't listened to a Citadel station since. There was a place that streamed his show in ther internet I was able to catch him everyonce ina while that way. I got a Sirius installed in Birdo on Friday in preperation for HS.
I would highly recommend NPR (National Public Radio). Find your local NPR stations and start listening to some REAL radio. They can be brilliant: entertaining, thought-provoking, conversation starters, un-encumbered by commercials (yahoo!). If you don't like classical music and happen across an NPR station that plays it, keep searching until you find the station that is right for you. My husband has walked in the front door and said, "Did you hear what was just on the radio?" We proceed to have great talks about the latest movies or the elections in Afghanistan or translations of bird song or capital punishment or pensions and our retirement plans or ... Sometimes these discussions last into dessert and after-dinner coffee. NPR will give you great ideas for conversations at your next office holiday party! Not many CEOs would tolerate discussing anything Howie considers worth dishing.
That is what Sirius radio is counting on. Howard and gang will make $100M/year for five years. To cover that cost, they need one million new lifetime subscribers ($500 each) to break even. I had them for three years until the Kenwood unit got fried during a slight rain on my motorcycle.
Hoo Hoo, I invented everything, Robin. You could always go to and get the 3 day trial for XM and check out O&A.... :lol:
I agree. O&A are way better then Howard. Howard hasn't been funny for years. O&A are funny every day. Howard's breaking new ground....O&A have been on for 15 months. XM202!!!
Why not listen to both? I just heard Ira Glass (host of This American Life on NPR) give a talk and he was talking about how much he likes Howard Stern. That surprised me enough to consider listening to Howard Stern (something I had never realistically considered before). Unfortunately, with him moving to Sirius, I don't really have the chance to try him out for free. . .
What to do without Howard Stern? Rejoice. He's an annoying, irritating prat anyway. Life is better without him.
I thought I wouldn't like Howard Stern at all. One day a movie came on the TV called "Private Parts", and I half looked up and started watching it. I kept thinking "this is about Howard Stern and I can't stand him" but I keep on watching. It grabbed my attention and I couldn't tear myself away. It is a very good movie and I came away with an entirely different view of Howard than that of my pre-conceived opinion. It came on television sometime later and I told my wife about it -- she said "I can't stand Howard Stern" and took a look ready to say it was awful --- but ended up watching the whole movie, just as I did and enjoying it. If you haven't seen it, give it a try before you chalk him off. On the other hand, I have never listened to his program on the radio and probably won't.
Hoo Hoo.... what's that thing called... dot dot dash dash... Morse Code... ah... Marconi ripped me off... It used to be Howard Code before he stole it.... Hoo Hoo Ro-bin.
Agreed. I'm too much of a cheapskate to pay for Sirius, but the transition to other morning shows it going to be tough for bit.
I agree with Spunky and DocVijay. Take the opportunity to find something more noble and intelligent to stimulate your mind with.
I listen to NPR 7 days a week, I am a member and I volunteered answering phones for their pledge drive. ATC, WE, Car Talk, This American Life, Wait, Wait! Don't Tell Me, Splendid them all. I have had many driveway/drive moments where I'll sit in my car in the driveway, or I'll just drive around the neighborhood until a story is over. I think NPR is probably the greatest journalistic medium today and they can make a story about the effect of drought on this year's vintage so entertaining. My wife has cried(I didn't ) at some of their stories. However, there is part of me that wants to hear fart jokes, lesbian dial a date and Hooker Jeopardy. :lol:
Howard....... NPR............. You can get them Along with other news, talk, comedy, and some really really great commercial-free music.....
I'm with the "Howard... meh" crowd. I can't BELIEVE they are paying him a hundred million. That, if nothing else, proves that the man is intelligent. But give me George Carlin over a little punk like Howard any old day. And re: Sirius, I'd rather just stream whatever I want, put it in Mp3 format on my iPod, and avoid commercials. You can stream Howard to Mp3 if you really want to, or just about anything else.. it's trivial.
How would you be able to stream Howard (from now on) without a Sirius subscription? Or was that just an example? Just curious.
With the introduction of "services" like Sirius, radio has become like the Web - originally meant to be free but now suckers have been found who are willing to pay. If you really like Howard that much then shell out what you think his show deserves.