I deal with two Toyota dealers in the Indy area. I bought a Prius on Feb. 10 and both dealers had 15 to 20 in stock although most were 2011s. I checked on the dealers' web sites on Monday and each dealer had only 3 or 4 in stock.
I wanted to get a Prius for a long, long time. I could not afford it because the dealers were charging a premium on top of MSRP. I was waiting and hoping... When I saw a CNN's helicopter video of a poor little "run-away" Prius in January'10, surrounded by troopers like a wild, bloodthirsty animal on a California highway with speculations that it is a beast that can accelerate by itself with intensions to kill you - I understood: it is time to visit the dealership. They gave me more than a $2000 discount, so I got my 2010 Prius III for a little over $22000 and no doc fees (MSRP was $24,500). Nobody else wanted Priuses at that time -- people believed the b*&^%it shown on mass media. Dealerships were overstocked with all sorts of Priuses.... It was a historically perfect time to buy. If oil prices would suddenly drop to below $50/barrel, it would be another perfect moment to visit Central Maine Toyota or similar.
Used prices are insane here in Lincoln. Welcome to tax refund season. Buyer beware. Be strong at the shark tank and do not put up with the B.S.
There's one in Austin that has over 80 new 2011's with II's starting at 22.5k. Just a matter of seeing if I can get em down to 21k or lower to help them get rid of their overstock
I was one of the 18,000 Prii in March! March 31, 2012! My dealer later told me that I was the LAST sale of the month for them! Loooooove my Prius!
I just bought a 12 this past Monday; traded my 11 and got a real good deal. I bought it from the same dealership I got my 11 from. They gave me 21xxx for my trade and I paid 22988 new. Since we were trading for the bottom line, they took approximately $2000 off the 12 (plus got mud guards installed for free). Granted most dealerships in my area will not move on their price which is why I drove 1.5 hrs to save a few thousand. They actually have new 11's still on the lot and deeply discounted. Since I'm not sure if I can give the info on the forum but message me and I can give you the dealership's name...plus the salesman so I can get my referral
Champion Toyota in Austin. I'll be driving down next Monday to see what I can do. Ideally I'd like to walk at 22k ttl incld (haggling down to 20500 pre tax, no trade in, financing through my bank). They have lots of Red ones so I figure that's where you can negotiate the best
I talked to Brad over there at champion and of course he was trying to sell me a 2012 for msrp. I would have been driving in from Houston. I was getting better deals than that locally. But again, no Fives with the specs I wanted. But I'm sure they want to get rid of the 11's so they will deal.
Hi Dennis, You can order your Five and be able to find a dealer that will sell just a bit over invoice and get exactly what you want. It takes about a month to get the car from the factory. Not too bad of a wait Mike :tea:
For us here in the Gulf State region, it apparently was going to take twice that. GST sucks! So we bought two Fives out of Cali for wayyyyyyy less, including shipping. :hippie: And so much easier!
I talked to them on the phone today and although it probably isn't entirely accurate, they told me that since the $22,500 price is already a $3,000 discount they won't come down any more at all.
2011 II no tint. So very base. Red exterior, beige interior. They're still making money at 22500 and they have so many that I would hope that they will budge a bit. Maybe they can make it up in trade in value on my Jeep. Its worth a day trip for me to see what I can do. Better than others are offering here in Dallas. Not many 2011's left here and the 12's are all 25k+ for II's.
One site I just looked at says $22,836 for dealer cost. I imagine there is some factory money paid to the dealer on a sale so they still make money even selling at cost? $22,500 sounds like a pretty rock bottom price on a base 2011 Two. BTW, I see the 2012 as only $300 more. Is that right? My deal on my 2012 Four is $500 over invoice on everything options & accessories included. The prices up here in Minnesota vary a lot. Some dealers are stuck on MSRP and others a few bucks off MSRP and one dealer in Minneapolis that said every vehicle they sell is $500 over invoice no matter what gas prices are. That's who I ordered my car from Shop around and maybe you can nail down a decent deal on a 2012. The new 2012 front end, tail lights, & audio system make the older Prii look dated Mike