I would like to somehow install the cargo net from my '08 Honda Fit in the Prius C. If anyone has purchased the Prius C cargo net would you mind posting the installation instructions? I think it will be useful in figuring out how to make the one from my Fit work.
for the factory option cargo net, you replace two screws on the side for ones that have hooks on them (they come when you buy the cargo net).. at which then the net attaches onto them. as far as what a Honda Fit has? i don't know.. but there's additional hardware that you need to install the Toyota one.
Thanks for your info. Do you know if the factory option cargo net attaches at the bottom as well or is it just the top? I bet I can find some sort of hardware to use with those two screws at the top. The Fit net has clips at all four corners, though I may not need to use the ones on the bottom.
Thanks, man. It looks like I might be able to pick up the straps for my cargo net from Honda for just a few bucks from a dealer. Those should work just fine with the screws in the Prius C, I think. So far it's looking good!
Turns out I couldn't get the hardware for either net separately but I ended up finding a great spot for the Fit cargo net using the hardware I still have for it (it doesn't require the mounting straps). I think it's more functional than the Toyota net would be. I just hooked the plastic clips around the metal ring-type thing the rear seats lock upright into. They wouldn't fully fit and latch around but they stay hooked on really well, anyway, and don't interfere with the operation of the seats. I unstitched and removed the extra bungee loops at the bottom for a more clean look, just don't tell my car it has a Honda cargo net.
side note i was in the same situation as you and ended up ordering the net from toyota (toyota dealer in richmond texas is running 15% off all oem toyota parts) and had them price out just those two little screws. $22 for the two screws or $37 for the net... ya freaking ridiculous (sp?).
they're not even screws.. they're hooks that you install onto the screw that's already there... it's better just to fab something up yourself.