Have you noticed the animocity towards the Prius vehicles on the road from SUV and truck drivers? This is my first Prius, (drove Camry, Mercedes, van, truck before) have it for less than two weeks now (and LOVE IT!) and I cannot believe it - every SUV and truck driver is trying everything to pass me by on the road!!! I'm driving the same way and the same speed as before with "other" cars. They'll run on my tail and use every opportunity to pass me by, waaay over the speed limit, like they are trying to prove something. Ubelievable! Again, I would understand if I'm driving under the speed limit and pissing them off but this...?!? Never happened in my other (previous) vehicles. Does Prius still have that "stigma" in central Virginia, even with this gas prices?
As the fuel prices rise, the animosity usually does to. You are a target for their aggression. Make sure to wear your seat-belt.
I do not notice it very often. Sometimes someone passes me on the assumption I am a slower driver, but I am not so slow. We have a gazillion Prii in North Virginia, so that helps.
Let the cops think the Prius is slow and stodegety and thicket those who zoom by and expeed the speed limit. Those who have not owned and driven a hybrid think they are slow and lacking in power.
I did notice that when I took the Prius on a test drive two weeks ago, a truck driver did not want to allow me to merge in front of him onto the highway. I'm a pretty aggressive driver, so it wasn't like I was being pokey. In defense of the truck drivers though, I've been stuck behind really stupid and hazardous Prius drivers however. In one case I was behind one while making a protected left turn across a six-lane divided road at about the biggest intersection in Omaha. We entered, having the protected left GREEN arrow. The Prius driver drove SO SLOWLY that while still in the intersection, the light turned yellow (still in the intersection) and finally red (still have not cleared the major intersection). I would've choked the @#$&&@!#^ out of him if I'd got my hands around his neck. It's unthinking, unsafe jerks like that who turn others against Prius drivers.
I too once had this mentality of hybrid vehicles being much slower than the rest of the cars on the road. Now that the tables have turned and im actually enjoying my commutes in my prius, im starting to notice this arrogant/aggressive behavior from other drivers as well. I just move over if it's safe and shake my head as they speed off pass me. My vindication comes in knowing that my "slow Prius" just cost them some extra dollars the next time they visit the pump. =] I WIN.
I've gotten stuck in your position behind numerous different vehicles. The difference is, when someone sees that it's a Prius they immediately assign a stereotype to it.
I just "love it," aggressive driver gets behind you in the slow lane, tailgates and lays on the horn, when you're going a couple of miles above the speed limit. Or, when there is plenty of room for you to merge, and they are speeding and lays on the horn, when you merge. I just act like the "ignorant and inattentive driver" that they assume me to be. I slow down, turn my head and look all around like I confused. That really gets their "goat." When you recognize these people to be what they really are, you are not disappointed or angry, because they are acting exactly how you expect them to be.
Actually, that's the only time in my life that I've been trapped behind a car driven so slowly that I was in the intersection through an entire change from green to red. So that made it memorable. If I'm in the "passing lane" and a driver is coming up on my rear at a reasonable closing rate, then I speed up a little, get around whatever car I'm trying to pass, and then clear the lane. If he/she aggressively charges my rear, I take my sweet time. I don't look around or anything. I learned my driving habits from the greater Boston area. There you learn to keep your face straight ahead and just use your eyeballs to check mirrors and what's going on around you. That way you don't telescope any of your intentions to other drivers. And they have to assume that you aren't even aware that there's another car there!
I agree - awful drivers are driving all sorts of vehicles and I was stuck behind them a numerous times. But this is what's driving me NUTS - road with 55 MPH speed limit, I'm driving 62-64 MPH and an SUV or truck is riding my tail trying everything to pass me by. Once it does, it continues driving 62 MPH! And it happens several times, and I have my Prius for 13 days now... It's almost funny, but it's actually sad. Prejudice...
Those who "harrass" Prii generally substitute oil for knowledge. Consider that those who operate larger, higher horsepower vehicles, get to pay for their aggressiveness in the form of higher maintenance, higher vehicle and fuel costs and shorter vehicle life. Smile and be patient as you maintain efficiency and conservation. Be confident in realizing Prii are only an intermediate step toward electric vehicles, light and high speed rail.
Completely agree, Skruse!... That's a great approach to it. My Prius is teaching me patience and giving me inner happiness. I know it sounds cheesy but I litteraly smile every time I look at my MPG (or a big Suburban next to me)...
The size of the vehicle is inversely proportionate to the size of... other equipment... the diver may possess.
I confess that I sometimes drive slower, but I always speed up if there is someone behind me or stay in the right lane. I almost never drop to less than five miles under the limit...yet people zoom by. Just got 62 mpg from NYC to dc. Average speed 57 mph with two 15 minute traffic problems. (which were short enough that my battery charge actually helped increase mpg).
It drives me insane when people tailgate me, as I'm driving ~5 over the speed limit in the right hand land on the highway.
Lol, that's what my husband and I say, too! (If anyone watches South Park, remember the Hummer/huge truck/sport car driver clip recently? LOL) YES, I have noticed a difference. All the SUV/jacked-up trucks want to kill me! It's crazy. I definitely let them pass and get on their happy little way. I told my husband maybe if I put a set of (please excuse the vulgarity here) Truck Nutz on my Prius, maybe I'd gain a little respect around here. ha!
Well I would advise to all of you not to drive a Prius in Central America anytime soon... (I think most drivers there have never heard of a hybrid...) most vehicles are diesel... but for many drivers there is one rule... and that is the bigger vehicle you have the more aggressive you can be and it also means you do not abide by the law... Dump truck drivers there are awful.... They just assume because they have a vehicle the size of a small building that road rules don't apply... ----------------------------------- Anyways back to the US... I think the better answer to all of this over aggressiveness (those pick up drivers) is to simply put some hidden cop lights on your car... (make sure no cops are around when you flick them on) The guy in the pickup truck tailgating would be so surprised when you flicked those lights on... in fact maybe you should also get a camera for the expression on the guys face and you can post it up on this forum... hehehe Prius squad cars... Ok that would be a bad thing to do... but you have to admit it would be pretty funny!!