Yes, I have. I thought it was rather significant, actually. The reason I noticed it so much is that I was showing my SIL something inside the car when she was outside of the car and I demonstrated the 'gearshift'. When I put it into park it rolled quite a bit; I was afraid I would hit her foot! Then again, it has been a long time since I have been in a smaller car. I don't know if I would notice so much in my old truck anyway.
The Prius does not have an Emergency Brake. The Prius has a Parking Brake. Use it every time you are parking. I suppose you could also use it in case of emergency.
That's why you actually use the parking brake, every single time you park. It can also save your nice person if you happen to be distracted and forget to power off the car and get out while it's in Drive.
I definitely notice the Prius rock, when I first started driving it, I noticed the slight movement and I get the car sick feeling pretty easily and I could feel myself getting a little dizzy from the rocking. I've never had this feeling before in my 4Runner so it was new for me. I don't look forward to it at all whenever I put my car into Park for that reason.
If you apply the parking brake before you turn off the car it does not move in the slightest. Do you press park and then turn off the car if so why? When you turn off the car it goes to park on it's own. It is foolish to rely on the parking paul to hold the car that why it is fitted with a parking brake.
I have noticed it on several different cars. It usually depends on how fast your braked before putting it into park.
I always thought that the parking brake was always used for manual transmission cars, and only used for automatic transmission cars if on an incline. At least that's how I used them. Now I know know the truth
Well, I feel like a dummy now. It's all coming back to me from driver's ed. Parking brake. Duh. I used to use mine w/ every park when I had a Civic, but got out of the habit when I had my truck for some dumb reason.
I guess it doesn't move more but it moves different than a typical car. It seems to lurch. I'm gonna start using the parking brake first, then power button. Just have to make it a habit.
I never have used the parking brake (never had one in my old car, just an emergency brake) so I assumed that the brake in the Prius was just an emergency brake too.. I didn't realize that by just pressing the power button the Prius would go into P automatically. When I had gotten the car, the salesman told me to always press the P button when I wanted to park and then turn off the car so that's why I've been doing it like that. But glad to learn something new everyday!
The Prius has a parking pawl that engages when you put it in park. Here's a post with a better explanation and a picture.
Yeah, it does rock a good bit, not like my old infinity. It's been a little bit annoying to set the brake each time, but i am doing it (per manual).
What's even neater is sitting in the car with it in Ready and every time the ICE cycles on & off it rocks forward. I got used to it. The car won't take off unexpectedly just a little for & aft rocking then she sits quiet. Mike
I don't like the feel when the car goes into park on a power down, so I just hit the parking brake, hit the park button, then power down. If you want to know what I'm talking about, just try both ways of putting the car into park. My driveway is steep, so I always use the parking brake on every car.
That's the correct way to do it. If you allow the car to rock on the parking paul all the stress of that rocking action is taken by the drive couplings, shafts, differential, parking paul, and in the case of the gen2 the drive chain and gears. This cannot be good for longevity of the transmission.
The Gen 3 transmission is the one on the right in the photo. (Yes, it's smaller and more powerful than the Gen 2 on the left.) On the main unit, see the large gear that meshes with the external gear. To the left of the gear is the piece that the parking pawl engages. There are large "teeth" with wide gaps between them. The pawl fits into the gap, so that's why it can move or rock after hitting Park. It's normal. I rarely engage the parking brake, unless I'm parking on a slope.
Besides engaging the parking brake because my driveway is steep, I'd rather the brakes take the hit than the pawl when some moron backs into me. Nice pic of the trans differences, Any more?