Hello All, I have finally decided to take the plunge and buy a Prius V 5. Unfortunately, I am finding that most dealers in my area (north chicago suburbs) are not willing to budge from MSRP. Is this common for the Prius V 5? I know that gas is high but has anyone recently had any luck getting better deals? Thanks. Grays.
Just greedy dealers, who believe greed is good. I got my wife's v5/Tech for $2,200 under MSRP in Anderson, Indiana.
Not too many folks are buying a $36,000 Prius V....the price point of that car and the time that you purchased it all drove that discounted Prius V deal that you received.
A friend in your area just bought one. You can get a way better deal then what you posted. PM me and I will share his details.
Look at edmunds and Truecar and see who will give you a good deal in a distance your willing to travel. Change the zip code to areas willing to travel and get quotes. Ask for a detailed list of what the price includes or an out the door price. We paid $250 over invoice so it can be done with persistence. Look at towns with competition. W