I have imported my phone book via Bluetooth without much problems. However, I had my boyfriend test it by calling my phone while we were in the car and the display shows his phone number and NOT his name. Is that what happens? Seems like it should display the names of people in my phone book instead of their phone numbers. Is there a setting I need to change? Do I need to import the names one at a time instead? Is it because I have the base two model stereo? Forgive my naivete regarding Bluetooth I jumped from having a base model 2001 Ford Focus to this car so am still getting used to these gadgets. Thanks in advance.
Hey, I traded in my 2001 Focus for a c 2 also! The jump in technology certainly comes with a slight learning curve. I'm pretty sure mine just showed the phone number when my boyfriend called too... But at the time, I didn't think it was working at all, so I was so surprised to have received a call that I might not have been paying close attention. In fact I was so caught off guard that I hit the wrong button and ignored the call, heh. I don't recall seeing anything in the manual about this, but I haven't quite made it all the way through yet. Hopefully someone here will have a final answer.
Hey there fellow past 2001 Ford Focus twin! Yeah, I bought mine new and had it for eleven years. She started to give me problems about a year and half ago so it was time for an upgrade. Anyhoo, I did read on the regular Prius board that some of the folks were having similar issues because of how the different phone carriers either have the "1" in front of the entire phone number or do not. I went through and put ones in front of my phone numbers and will try to reload my phone book, test it with the boyfriend and report back.