My 2006 Prius MFD still works, but when I try to select a button (let's say fan speed of climate control), when I press a button on the left side of the screen, a button on the right side of the screen engages. This is somewhat common on all screens. It's like the programming of the X-Y coordinates of the pressed section of the screen is offset. If I press the medium fan speed, it highlights high speed. As I press buttons moving from the medium speed down to low, the selected buttons highlight from high down to medium. If I press the A/C button, the fresh/recirculating air button highlights and toggles. The display has been working perfectly until now (150k miles). I did recently get my car detailed which entailed cleaning the MFD of fingerprints, but I can't imagine that did anything as this is a pressure sensitive display, rather than capacitive. On another note, my volume knob is mostly useless and sometimes the volume goes up and down on its own. Luckily I still have control over volume from my steering wheel. However this is a rare occurrence. I'm more worried about the MFD because of the expense of replacing it as well as its control of Air Conditioning (as it's getting hot in Texas these days). Most of the threads I've read talks about blacked out screens rather than a offset problem. Any help is appreciated.
See the following link to recalibrate MFD screen,
Because my screen is offset, I can't hit the button that allows me to get into the display check feature. Besides, in the video, it just looks like a verification tool without any way to reset the display to factory settings or to program it to a new touch coordinance, like "touch the center of the screen" and have it learn the new center. any ideas on how to reprogram or reset the touch screen sense feature?
I have tried disconnecting the 12 volt for a short period of time and for a long period of time and neither helped with the touch screen sense problem.
I was having trouble with my 2007 MFD touch screen, it was WAY out of alignment, mis-reading my touches on screen by several inches. I use to have an old Compaq PDA that had a calibration function and figured that one had to exist for the Prius MFD, luckily a google search lead me to this link: 2007 Prius - Easter Egg Which gives you instructions on how to reach the "Diagnostic Menu" which many people have posted about. This 1st level menu has a "Display Check" but no actual calibration functions. LUCKILY there is 2nd level menu you can then reach called "Product Diagnosis Menu" (step by step instructions on how to access this menu are at the link above) and it is on that menu you can see the "Calibration" program which, like my old PDA, gives you crosshairs to tap to re-align the touch screen! Once I was able to navigate to the screen (it took several tries as my touch screen was very much out of alignment) I was able access the program and fix my problem! Hope this helps others!
I cannot seem to get down to 2nd Menu level "Product Diagnosis Menu" In the Easter egg link he says Press INFO and turn on Tail Lights switch...what's that?
Tail lights is another name for parking lights. If the MFD is out of calibration it’s easier way to get into Diagnostic menu. Just hold Info button down and turn parking lights on and off 5 times.
^^^OK I try again but I have no problem getting to the first Diagnostic Menu. It's the second step to get to a deeper down hidden menu to adjust the MFD that is escaping me.
The problem is that the connection between the touch panel and a flex cable has opened up. I fixed mine by exposing the connection with a Dremel burr tool, and adding a few drops of Circuit Writer. See multi-function display does not work | PriusChat for more info.
Rob that's good to know! but right now my MFD operates OK the problem I am having is getting to the "hidden" deeper menu to calibrate the touch screen. The "easter egg" link above says, from the Diagnostics Menu, Press INFO and turn off/on the tail light to get to a deeper "Product Diagnosis Menu" but the INFO/Tail light combo is not working for me so far. Actually all I really wanted to do was check the battery so I finally got there. My touch screen is off so its hard to navigate but finally got it to go to the battery screen. Would like to calibrate touch screen if I can.
guys... I'm new here... Generally I make a google search and found solutions, this time couldn't... My MFD is out off calibration... It seams it doesn't responde bit: 1 - when I reverse the touch is perfectly calibrated And usable to auto-park...; 2 - After entering system check menu And leaving I can enter navigation when I touch mfd the map moves always down but the left - right works, meaning: if I touch upper left it moves left but down, if I touch upper right it moves right but down... (Have tryed everithing here except master reset Prius )
Hi. 2006 Prius owner with a MFD touchscreen that is out of alignment. I know this is an older thread but I am having the same problem that mkohler is/was having. The touch screen is out of alignment in such a way that I am unable to get to the 2nd level menu (or any other subsequent level) using the screen. Is there a way to get to the NEXT LEVELS of menus WITHOUT USING THE TOUCH SCREEN?
Howdy and sorry for the resurrection! This is such a catch 22 scenario that I can only assume the geniuses that worked at Toyota 2004-2009 made some kind of workaround. Does anyone have some hidden knowledge on how to access the actual Screen Calibration menu without being able to press anything on the top level of the MFD… since the screen alignment needs to be re-calibrated, the menu selection placement in the top right corner seem like a trap - or like it should have been accounted for somehow. I found some indication on the imterwebs that the steering wheel buttons can be used to move around the initial “check” menu, but that is not my experience. I have tried pressing everywhere - and with erasers - it’s just such an annoying failure loop.. Any tips would be met with enormous love.
Been a while since Gen 2, but there were an assortment of what we called "chicken dances", holding keys and turning other things on/off to get to hidden menus. Earlier in this thread someone mentioned the Info button and turning on parking lights. I believe the correct procedure is to hold the Info button on while flipping the parking lights on and then off. Try that maybe?
Adding my cry for help with this issue. 2007 Touring; MFD is obviously out of alignment. Holding INFO button and turning parking lights on/off brings up the service/diagnostic menu; however, doing that again (per the "Easter Egg" write-up) does not bring up the second level menus. Any suggestions on how to get to the "calibration" screen?
Indeed this is not doable since the only way to enter the relevant second submenu is to select the top right menu button on-screen - which is impossible as the calibration is misaligned. I gave up with this idiocy loop and instead bought a new digitizer overlay screen for 25€ on the interwebs. The swap is not that complex and is shown with great detail in this video from hybrid guy (props to those folks!)