The question that comes to my mind, concerning mpg of the C that is, will an experienced Gen I, II or III driver get worse, the same, or better mileage out of a C? I for sure hope it is better because that is what I'm telling my wife!!
The best my wife could average on her commute with her 07 touring, that we just sold, was 50 mpg.... the lows would be about the low 40s. She has been driving the c for a few weeks over that same commute and already is averaging 52 after one tank of gas. Give her some time and I bet she'll be able to improve her average to 55-60mpg once she learns the tricks to driving the car more efficiently. Her commute into work this morning returned 71mpg ( a new high for her), but it's the trip home that kills the commute average, so we'll see what she ends up with.
We drive a Gen II Prius and I'm not certain we've ever seen anything much beyond 51 mpg at the best of times. Typically, when Kenny is driving the average is around 42 but he tends toward a heavy foot. I get closer to 46 or 48. While I typically don't hypermile, I do have a light foot and don't mind managing my speed for the benefit of mpg. Based on preliminary reports, it sounds as if a higher speed will yield equal or better than 50 mpg which will be nice. I can get improved mileage and my commute may be faster!
KnS, If you have a gen3, have a look at this vid to perhaps increase or at least understand what the car is doing so you can improve gas mileage.
OK, this is the data I hope to see more of. Looks like I won't be getting a C immediately, maybe later this summer, but I hope to add my data here then.
Well, my father just picked up a 2009 gen II Prius this past Thursday. He's happy that he's been able to pull off around 45mpg so far, but he was hoping to get better...closer to 50mpg. I've been trying to explain to him the p&g way to drive it, but he hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet. To demonstrate, I drove his car for just over 20 miles and managed to pull off 55.4mpg in that short drive. Two days later I got my Prius C. I drove it the same way as I drove his, on roughly the same route in the same weather conditions (around 60°F, sunny) and I pulled off 66.5mpg! I haven't driven either of them extensively yet, but in my brief time with both, I've found it much easier to pull off higher mpgs in the Prius C. Just my humble and rather limited opion. Good luck!