Please respond only if you have a California FasTrak transponder for interior mounting on the windshield.
Lower right seemed the only way to go. Lower left is in my field of view and annoying. Behind the mirror seemed like it might interfere with the Homelink and with the eye of the auto-dimming mirror, plus there's some sort of metallic mesh in the windshield at that point.
The mesh doesn't seem to make a difference. I've mounted these on three cars now, all with that mesh stuff and they all have worked fine.
Agree. I got a suction cup holder for it and just stick it up behind the mirror when I'm going to need it. Take it down when just driving around town. Works great.
As I live in South Santa Clara County, about 40 miles from the closest bridge that makes use of FasTrak, I have the transponder as required for the carpool lane stickers, but I will keep it in the little drawer on the bottom of the center console. On the very rare occasion when I need to cross a bridge (I can recall doing so last about 2 years ago), I can pull it out and put it in the window.
The suction cup holder sounds like a great idea. Does anyone know how difficult is removing the adhesive strip of velcro that is supplied with the transponder? Also, what solvent gets the residue off? My wife has her transponder in the lower left corner of her car's windshield, and it's a noticeable visual obstruction. I just got my hybrid transponder yesterday. I mailed the application on Dec. 7 and received the kit on Dec. 15. The application for clean air stickers is in the mail today. I don't have plates yet. I hope that doesn't add to the delay in getting stickers.
I cross the Deadly Dumbarton every workday, with the transponder mounted just right of the rear view mirror. I like that the black mesh hides the white box from exterior view. This position also minimizes my visual distraction.
I'm in Colorado and we use the same type transponders here. I've got it velcroed to the inside lid of the upper glove box. It works fine there and it's out of the way and invisible.
I don't have my Prius yet, but I've had a FasTrak transponder in my (non-hybrid) Honda Civic for years. I chose to mount it behind the rearview mirror, and I find it totally unobtrusive there (more so than the lower-windshield corner would be, for sure). I expect to do the same with my Prius, unless someone indicates a real problem with that location. The suction cup idea sounds good if you really want to remove it frequently, but honestly, I barely notice it when I'm in the car anyway, and it does no harm being there all the time. Of course, it's quite visible from outside, but it will be from any location on the windshield. While that location is certainly invisible, it's not legal under California rules, which allow only very specific windshield-mounted locations. It's not supposed to be a handheld device either; after mounting, the velcro allows you to remove it if you ever don't want to use it for some reason. Joe
When I picked up my Prius 3 months ago I stuck the transponder in the center console on the lactic tray and forgot about it. The next time I drove the FasTrack I heard it chirp when I drove past the reader. It may be an illegal mounting location, but it's working.
Just curious, but why do some people not attach the transponder to the windshield? I see lots of folks fumbling around the car as they approach the toll plaza and at the last second hold the transponder up to the windshield then fumble again to put it away. Are they worried someone might break into their cars and steal it if it's visible? As far as I know every car that goes through the plaza has its license plates photographed and matched against the transponder account's registered vehicles anyway. I can't see how a stolen transponder would be very useful to anyone. Regards, -- Ian
They probably do not attach it because they move it between cars. Or, let's face it - it is ugly and big and white.
I move mine between my truck and my Prius without too much trouble. In my vehicles, it's normally hidden from my line of sight up behind the rearview mirror. The band of black dots on the top of the windshield make it very unobtrusive when viewed from outside as well. Regards, -- Ian
Thanks, jrfaris. I ordered one for myself. My wife doesn't want to move her transponder. I cross Bay Area bridges maybe ten times a year at most, and rarely during commute hours. The clean air stickers are the main reason for getting a transponder.
I use mine maybe twice a month. I am firmly in the "store it in the console and hold it up when you need it" crowd. This has worked fine so far. Two crossings ago, it didn't beep, but sure enough the camera picked up my plate number and the charge showed up on my account anyway. If they start busting people for not mounting it on the window, maybe I'll comply, but until then I'd like as few obstructions in my visual field as possible. (I suppose I'd hardly notice it on the *right* side of the mirror -- but my passenger would.)
Yep. It fits well in the between-seats console in the most forward slot of the big compartment so I can easily find it.
I rarely go over the bridges, so I keep it in the mylar bag in my glove box, removing it when necessary to pay a toll. It's also a little too much Big Brother for me (tracking how fast we are moving on the freeways, etc), so it only comes out of the mylar bag for tolls. I just hold it under the mirror when going through the toll booth.
Remember the transponder must be visible from the front of the vehicle to any L.E. officer (usuallly CHP). They will write you a citation if the transponder is not visible.