I already mentioned.. it's behind the front bumper.. on the driver side. if you have a relatively small forearm.. you can reach in there from under the hood.. it's below the headlight and in there a bit.
Exactly. This 'bell the hybrid' crap is an illogical piece of legislation that I hunch was introduced as a result of lobbying against hybrids.
I was unaware of this "Safety" feature. I thought the annoying noise I was hearing while driving in a drive thru was due to the electric motor running....
It would be nice to switch on the sounds that a megaphone puts out! police sirens, fire engines etc! lol
I happened across the warning sound explanation in the manual. I'd had the car a few days and hand't heard the sound. When I finally got to park in the parking garage where I live, I only noticed the sound when I was close to the wall and the sound was reflecting back. However, on heavy acceleration ( I try not do do that often...), the sounds is very noticeable with the windows down. I think the volume increases with speed an acceleration. The sound was audible up to 40mph for me. I don't mind the sound. I like the sci-fi effect it gives.
I'm also thinking along these lines. There are plenty of conventional cars out there which are also quiet. It would be interesting to see a comparison of sounds between models. A large part of engine noise is fan and belt sounds. The prius c has no belts and the fan runs far less. After a 15 mile ride in urban and suburban conditions, I was able to rest my hand comfortably on the valve cover. My C runs very cool...
why would you? also.. think of it this way.. unplugging just takes seconds.. and wire cutting even faster.. but you need wire cutters to do it.. i'd rather go with the better, non-destructive method that requires no tools.. even if I do have them.
I pulled up on a friend of mine crossing a restaurant parking lot the other day, in my Prius c. Granted, he was texting as he walked, and I hoped that he would hear my approach, but I was very close when he finally looked up -- startled. While it is true that he was engrossed in his texting, he said that he didn't hear my car at all ...
I hate pedestrians and cyclists that feel a sense of entitlement. We should all watch out for each other.