Newbie here. Just picked up my Prius III with Solar roof package on Sunday. Pretty excited. I am putting my 2008 Mini Cooper S convertible up for sale. I will miss the Mini, but I like most things I experience it and then move on. I work in a business that sells energy measurement and verification systems. As a self-proclaimed geek at heart, I have shifted my excitement to a whole other facet of driving. I am finding that in the 2 days yesterday and today, it is like my own little contest to see what kind of fuel economy I can achieve. Yesterday, I did not have to drive kids in to school as it was the neighbors turn. Today, I drove my son and the neighbor's 2 kids in and my son came home and the first thing he said was "Dad sure seemed to drive slow today, but all the stuff on the dash was really cool to look at." I feel like I am still in this honeymoon stage where I am paying really good attention to EV/ECO/PWR and wanting to stay true to the whole reason that you buy a Prius, but sometimes I'm feel like I need to put the pedal down and get going. I'm sure some of that is residual from having a Mini Cooper S for 1 car and a Toyota Tundra V8 for the other. At least now, the Prius uses regular gasoline and helps offset the fuel beast that the Tundra is. Can anyone tell me if Entune will work via bluetooth. I got it to work via USB, but no dice with BT. Phone works fine via BT. Have not tried Music via BT. Not sure that I have a complete understanding of how to navigate between the various features (audio, car, Entune, phone). It seems that the UI could be better thought out. Anyhow. I am excited to be part of this user forum.
Welcome and congrats on your purchase! Entune will not stream via Bluetooth on iPhones. It will work via Bluetooth on Android systems.
Read up on pulse and gliding technique and you'd be surprised by how much you can put the pedal down and get going. No need to baby the pedal during the pulse phase. The rest of the time is a light touch, which isn't too bad as you've already gotten up to speed.
Be sure to try out your Power Mode button at times. Gives the car a much more responsive feel which sometimes is nice to have when in a hurry or driving in hills.
I just got my 2012 Prius 3 at the beginning of march and so far I've logged 3700+ miles and loving it every time. Since I've discovered the Pwr mode, that's all I drive in. I used to ride my 600cc suzuki sport bike as a commuter but after we moved about 60 miles away from our workplaces, it was time to turn it in for a vehicle. I'm very happy and satisfied with my prii. If you are a rider, you will understand the concept of saluting other riders when passing by, often times, i am tempted to do the same to every prii that I pass, my wife prevents me from doing so every time though lol.
When I got my first Prius in 2005, many people were waiting weeks, and even months, to get one. There were very few on the road, and around here Prii drivers *did* salute each other.
I also went from a V8 to a Prius, so it's a biiiig change. Still, after 2 weeks of driving it with a very light foot, I have managed to avoid gas stations! Now THAT I do not miss w/ the V8!!! I have only filled up once in 2 weeks, and I still had 2 'bars' of fuel to spare even at 10 days.