I'm so used to having my iPhone conveniently placed in the front cup holder of my 2006 Prius. It was in plain eyesight and centrally located. I can't get used to that silly center console on my PIP with the cup holders further back. There doesn't seem to be any good location to put my iPhone in the current generation Prius. Any suggestions? PS: I was told by my Toyota dealer that the current console was designed by a woman with the center storage place for a purse in mind. Not sure if I buy that story.
Some industrial strength velcro might come in handy - though you'd need to be thoughtful about location. You'd be surprised how well the heavy duty stuff holds. The downside is that the adhesive used is strong enough to rip the finish right off the dash if you don't use something to break the bond, at least in the case that you ever wanted to remove the velcro.
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Is there a particular reason you need to have the iPhone in plain view? If you plug it in, you get full iPod functionality through the MFD. So no need to fiddle with it for that purpose. If you get a call, it shows up on the MFD, so no need to look at the phone. You can easily program a favorites list for one-touch dialing. Also, you can easily access your call history from the MFD. If I'm not tethering for data access, I just leave it in my pocket. Otherwise I put it in the center storage compartment, or put it in the front cupholder.
But most of us women hate the center console since only a VERY Small purse would fit- mine is small, and even I gave up trying to fit it in sideways- most females at the OC Prius Club have said the same thing- most hate the center console, and like the fact that the PRIUS V got rid of it. That said, I did find that my key will work if I put my purse on the back seat where in my 05 Prius did not work back there. If you have a passenger, it is hard to put it near their legs (as the passenger seat is now occupied). Sometimes I just lay my phone down in the flat area of the console or (rarely) empty cup holder (I drink lots of water, so mostly carry 2 bottles with ice when I go out for the day).
My wife and I found that that a key in a purse in the back hatch area in our Plug-in will register as "key in vehicle".
I really miss my 2007 prius - no place for a lot of my stuff - storage is lacking in the plug in - my main problem I can't find a solution to the glare on the display (drive 70% against the sun) - I was able to purchase a hood for my 2007 - if anyone has any suggestions for a solution - I would greatly appreciate!
Don't they make a hood for the GenIII Prius? Navigation Screen Sun Visor for 2010 & 2011 Toyota Prius.
Order one of these Toyota Part Number 58825-47020 it is the tray for the center console that was in the 2010-2011 gen 3's but not in the 2012 gen 3 or the PiP.
That's an interesting idea! Where exactly does this part fit, is there a picture you can point to? Are you sure it will fit into the PiP? Thanks!