I remember the disscusion about this billboard a few weeks ago. Don't remember a good pic of it, so here one is. Sorry if it's old. Toyota billboard, located beside the 405 Freeway in El Segundo, Calif., is similar to an odometer and clicks forward every four seconds to mark the number of gallons of gas saved by Toyota and Lexus hybrid vehicles in the United States since the first Toyota Prius went on sale in 2000. On Friday, November 25, 2005, the billboard clicked over to 100,000,000 gallons savedÉand is still counting.
And they would save even more gallons if they can deliver the cars in a more prompt matter. :angry: Sorry, in a bad mood. My family came over to visit asking if my *new* car came in. I told them it's been six months and didn't know at this rate if I'd ever get it.
St. Louis... and that's the problem. I don't live on the east or west coast. I put $500 down at the biggest Toyota dealer in the region (Jay Wolff). They called me a single time to tell me they had a Prius come in, but not the color or package I requested.
Good grief is right. The coasts may get cars easier, but I think you have a dealer problem. I'd be talking to other dealers, even if I had to drive a ways. I know plenty of people who have received cars in 2 months or less in the midwest. Your $500 should be refundable, but leave it there until you find a car elsewhere. Use this list to find other dealers: http://www.toyota.com/html/privacy/dealerlist.html
Just a thought -- have you requested a package that is not available in your region? Six Months ago, no dealers knew what packages they were going to get.
i know how you feel. i waited 7½ months for mine. but i have to say, its definitely worth the wait... go to another dealer if you have to, but stick with the Prius... you wont regret it
Good point -- i just jumped to that conclusion without thinking but I suppose the same lack of package availability in a region would apply to the '05s too.
Six months? I know what I'd do. I'd call them up and tell them to have a refund check cut while I drive there to pick it up. Six months is too long for any package. If you requested something they don't carry, then they should have told you up front. I'd then call every dealer within a 300 mile radius and the first one that had my car gets my money. Have you tried the internet? You can build your own car and then contact all dealers within a specific area. Dealing with only one dealer puts you at their mercy. Play them off against each other and you are in charge. I would also being a little flexible on color if the package is really important or the other way around if there's a color you have your heart set on. At this point....get a 2006. You should be able to get one for January and get the tax credit too.
Here's the deal. Originally I requested a '05 package #6 in Millenium Silver. I got one call late November about a red package #2 that came in. I declined. Then I told them that if they didn't get anymore 05's, to put me on the list for an '06 package #7 Classic Silver. The dealer said because that is the equivalent to the '05 package I agreed to that's what they would have sold me anyway when they arrived. Maybe I'm not being flexible but for $25,000+ I shouldn't give in to a color or package I don't want. Like others suggested, I should put deposits down at other dealers. I'll do that next month after the Christmas bills. Getting a Prius is like playing a game of Russian Roulette, except no one will give you a chance by pointing the gun at you.
If I don't get the car I want by April, I might call every dealership around to see if they have one they are willing to sell. Do you think it's possible to purchase a Prius as far away as California or New York and be able to get a loan on it? Will it matter? With the kids on spring break I would be willing to pay a $150 to fly out west/east and drive the car back cross country (would be the ideal break-in period for the car) during my week off.
what you are thinking about doing, many many people on this forum have done just that. we have a Michigander, Texan and Kansan, all bought their Priuses in Ca and drove them home, hdrygas bought his in Montana and drove it home to Wa State. a few bought theirs in Virginia and drove home to Ohio and Illinois. i would start right now cruising the net for dealers who are willing to work with you. im sure you can get a Prius in less than a month if you really want one
Good, thank you! I don't want to have to miss work though driving the car back 1,500-2,000 miles so I'll have to wait until spring break. A few weeks before break I'll be doing a lot of calling with dealerships who would be willing to work with me. But hopefully it won't have to come to that.
You may just want to put out a lot of feelers locally now. Use that list of dealers I posted, call them and tell them you have a deposit out already, but if they come up with a car first, you will buy from them. It will probably take more than a couple of weeks for a car to appear, but it should be a lot less than what you have waited.
OK, got you. I'll do that. I'll look up every dealer as far as Kansas City and Chicago and see what they say. I'll update you on my progress.
I seem to remember this post on http://pressroom.toyota.com/search?st=kw&criteria=Prius a couple of weeks ago, then I saw it disappear!.....now its back! I'm assuming it was pulled due to the negative political pressure that was coming down about the time from the chamber of commerce wanting to start charging hybrid drivers for thier miles since the government was missing out on so much gas tax saved by hybrid drivers! We do have enemies out there!... not everyone is as excited as us about fuel economy... especially if it takes money out of thier pocket! What we celebrate about, others take offense to..... Because of enemies to the hybrid move, I prefer to keep the secret quiet!... but That appears to be hopeless now!..... Hopefully there will be enough support by the public, that they will stiffle the voices of the naysayers.
Jw, I didn't catch where you were from, but don't forget to see if there are any brokers in your area, that may have good connections to find you a good deal and may even be able to pull strings about the best way to get it into your area. Unless you want an excuse for a vacation!
There are 3 06's in Oklahoma City available right now. I know of a package 2,3 and a Barcelona Red package 7. good Luck