Hello. Does anyone know how to switch the phone from hands free on the HU to the cell phone during a call? (Gen III, Prius II, Non JBL) Gets a little embarrassing when the wife talks dirty on the phone while my girlfriend is in the car Thanks,
Have you tried on the phone side? It depends on the phone... On iOS, for instance, there's an audio source button that does just that. Depending on what you're connected to, have connected it could have choices like multiple BT device names, iPhone, speaker and (wired) headset.
It's on the phone side. Most of the touchscreens have an icon you press to change between speaker/bluetooth/handset on it. Blackberry's, I believe you press the "menu" button, and I believe you use the menu button on most of the non-smart phones.
My phone is an LG Cosmo 2. There is no apparent disconnect there. My old Kenwood had a button on the HU.