Hey everyone. I've been a long time lurker here at PriusChat. I posted a few times a couple years back when I went for a 2 month roadtrip to the Western US, camping in the back of the Prius the whole way. Anyways, I am heading up a fanfilm project called "Jurassic Park:Origins" (you can check it out Here on Facebook). It's going to basically be a prequel to the original film. It will tell the backstory of the park, the dinosaur's creation, and there will be a bit of danger along the way as we get to know the dinos. We're still in pre-production, but we're excited about the possibilities. We're going to be "crowdsourcing" this project (just like kickstarter or indiegogo for those familiar), and to help spread the word about JP:Origins, I decided to get a vehicle wrap for my 2007 Prius. I thought you all might be interested to see how it turned out ...
I like it.. I'm a member at another site that might find your project interesting: nekochan.net (my username is guardian452) It's an SGI and supercomputing site, so those of us who keep Crimsons, Indigos, etc in our basement hang out there. I don't know anybody who has a working thinking machines CM-5. Of course the film also featured the indigo and crimson prominently, and used the program FSM on screen "It's a Unix system" line. If you need help keeping the technology in your project canonical, we can probably help.
That is awesome! One of the big things we want to do is show more of the science/tech behind Jurassic Park. Having access to some Indigos would be really great. I've got a prop-builder who's been working on developing a replica of the TM CM-5 (obviously we couldn't get a real one ). I would definitely love to know more about the forum and what you all might have!
Well, I have an octane and an onyx. I used to have a jurassic classic crimson (i.e. the JP limited edition). s/n 116. A guy in NYC has it now. indigo2s, indys, octanes, etc are a dime a dozen. If there is a big university or research facility around, you can find all sorts of fun stuff from the dumpster. I got the onyx and crimson from boeing skunkworks in st. louis, the octane came from my university. They were throwing out a lab full of them and said I could take one due to the nature of SGI's market there are also a fair number of members involved with film production, CGI, DCC, lights and sound, etc. other people have bigger machines at home:
I look at that Prius and imagine a huge dinosaur foot stomping on it. Then I imagine the dinosaur getting electrocuted from the traction battery and falling over. You should work that into the film !