I have read the owners manual trying to figure out how to turn on this display for the odometer. Surely this wasn't designed to only show avg consumption for trips right? Also what is the comparison consumption setting for?
I don't remember every detail off the top of my head, but... Hitting "trip" button on the steering wheel cycles between Trip A, Trip B, miles-to-empty, and odometer (and I think one other thing I'm forgetting). When you enter MPG for another car for comparison, there's a particular screen on the "disp" (upper display, next to the speedometer) that shows you how much money you're saving by driving your Prius instead of the other car. Personally I'm not interested in that display at all, but other people might be.
Yup. That's how it works, as far as I know. Another thing I hate is how, when Trip A or Trip B are displayed, when you select the energy flow diagram that shows the car and the arrows, it removes the avg consumption and avg MPH and leaves only the miles driven on the trip meter.
Put the energy flow graphics on the main screen (stereo) so you can leave trip A or B up on the dash. or this one
Yes, that's an option, but I'd usually rather have the map (traffic speeds) or audio on the main screen.
Last solution.. Buy a Scanguage and mount it on your steering column. In this way you can observe energy flow via proxy indicators like instant mpg, RPM, fuel flow etc.
Mine looks just like the picture. It took me a while, but I -think- the green bars show the previous trip (before the car was turned off and then back on again). Maybe someone else can confirm?
well.... ok. But don't let it happen again! lol! I was thinking you California guys got a special display or something. Maybe they are based on red/blue states.
Those are from the upgraded system in 4s and 5s. I became a bit interested in Scangauge after reading some article linked over in the fuel economy forum. Seemed like it was more useful for gen II? Might be cool to have though.
Aye, my model Three has the basic display which is all blue on the consumption screen and less detailed on the energy flow screen. The scan gauge has flaws when used on the GenIII but it still tells you what you need to know once you know how those flawed X gauges work. it is very useful!