I got a prius 4 i thought it came with LED headlamps with auto level control, auto on/off feature and headlamp cleaners But it came with Projector-beam halogen headlamps with auto on/off feature Does it cost alot to upgrade it to LED? I plan to get HID lights conversion but will this be a big factor?
It's the Prius Five that has LED Headlamps w/ headlamp washers. The Four has halogens. Yes it does. You're better off with HIDs (few hundred vs. few thousand). I have 5000K HIDs in mine.
yup.. it's the five that has the LED headlights... and upgrading to them would be very expensive. you're better off just installing an HID conversion kit if you're looking for that higher temp color.
Is there a big differences between the LED or HID conversion. I tried looking up LED Headlights to see how much a pair would be I think I saw one for 800. HID seems the more Economical decision.
Forget about LED conversion, you can't simply convert to LED. The LED headlight assembly is clost to if not $2000 for one. And the LEd headlights also have an auto leveling system that you would have to install... As has been said on here many times about LED conversions, not practical. HID is the way to go...
This is a timely thread for me- I was about to buy a Prius 5 just to get the LED lights. I have them in my 2007 Prius and love the added brightness. Do the converted HIDs have a similar look to LEDs? And if the kit costs $800 how much is the install? I'm not too handy..... I really did want the solar roof- maybe this way I can get it!
The HIDs in the GenII are quite bad. Many of us upgraded to HID projectors to remedy the poor performance. The LEDs in the GenIII Five are pretty good but if that is the only reason you want the Five then I would go with a Four or Three and just add an HID kit. The HID kit in the halogen projectors is almost as good and look very nice.
F8L- thanks for the response. LOL-I didn't realize that the HIDs I had weren't that great- all I know is that they are a lot better than the lights in our old Accord. How much is the HID conversion is I bring it to someone to have it done? And are there specific brands/types that I should look for? Thanks for the input.
They are definitely better than a lot of old style reflector-based halogen headlights but I don't feel they are worthy of being called HIDs. HID kits can be had for as little as $30 for a cheapo set that comes with a decent ballast but terrible bulbs IMO. A good kit will run you about $150. It takes about 30min to 1hr to install a kit depending on the skill of the installer.
That's what we at PriusChat.com are here for. Now unless you want leather I would suggest a model Three with Solar. The model Four with solar is quite expensive!
We have two Gen 3 v's and my son has a Gen 3 package II, so we have had the opportunity to compare the LED and regular Prius headlights. The LED low beam headlights are whiter than the yellow color of the standard Gen 3 headlights and the cut-off at the top of the beam is more definite with the LEDs. Side by side comparisons of low beams in the v and II show slightly improved illumination with the LEDs, but the difference is small. You can see the pendulum action of the v headlights, but again, the difference in amount of light on the road for the v and II is quite small. The high beams in the v are not LED, and like those in the II, they are adequate. I don't know about the cost or practical aspects involved converting to the low beam LEDs or pendulum headlights in a non-v, but my observation is that this change is not necessary. I believe there are cheaper ways to get whiter low beam headlights. We love our v's, didn't select them for their headlights, and would be dissapointed if we had spent an extra $2000 to convert my sons II for the slight difference in frontal illumination provided by the low beam LEDs and pendulum headlights included in the v package.
I did a comparison of the 2010/11 LED headlights vs Prius halogens almost 3 years ago and posted pics in this thread for those who may want to see them: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...66527-halogen-vs-led-headlights-pictures.html Here's the pics as well:
Thanks for the link to a good set of HIDs. I have no experience with any sort of aftermarket items, so this may be a silly question but where would I take something like this to be installed? And how much would I usually be looking at for the cost of install?
Aye, most of which is not much better than what the three offers but if you have the extra $1000-$1500 then go for it. Fattymoocow, an independent car audio shop could do it as could most car repair shops. There are detailed how to videos on YouTube so you can do it yourself. You'll save money and feel good about yourself if you DIY.
Now I'm confused. If the 2012s are Gen III, then do the comments about the poor performance of the gen II HIDs still apply? I'm also in the boat of choosing between the Prius 4 and the 5 (want that Premium NAV!) so I'm trying to understand every difference.
Gen II halogens were not projector beam halogens. So if you converted to HID it threw the light all over reflecting it out using the reflector. Gen III cars with halogens use projector beams so if you convert ti HID the light is put out through a focused glass 'projector' making for much better light spread/focus whatever you want to call it... If all you care about it the headlights and not the 17" rims and other stuff with the Prius 5 then just get the 4 and convert to HIDs, they look great. There are pics from people who did the conversion throughout the forum if you search showing the beam, brightness etc on their Gen IIIs.
Thank you. That was just what I needed. I suppose that the LED headlamps last a lot longer but are significantly more expensive to replace? From lighting, the halogens had something like a 5,000 hour usage life, while the LEDs had 50,000. But it's not like you're going to run up against the lamp life even on the halogens until at least 100,000 miles. Now I guess it's just down to the color. Sea glass pearl maybe?
With the length of life the led headlights were rated at replacement should not be an issue. It was something like 20 years if I remember correctly. But as of now, they are very very expensive. Halogen and hid replacement is negligible.