Hello. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about the 17" factory alloy wheels on the 2010 Prius package V? I somehow managed to nick the outer edge of one of alloy wheels and it took a small piece of the metal out of the alloy wheel about half the size of the finger nail on your little finger. I realize that is not much damage, but it is driving me crazy because I keep my car in perfect condition and now it is blemished. The wheel seems to have some type of coating or paint on it. Can it be repaired in some way? Thank you.
Yes they can be repair Check yellow pages in your area, or try a BMW forum in your area, they will know a wheel refinish
Lots of wheel repair places. If you can't find one in your neighborhood, pick up a Road and Track or Autoweek at the magazine stand and look in the back for wheel repairs. Most of them have at least one or two in them, but you will have to get along with the donut spare while you send it off.
I know how you feel. My 17" is covered with dents and etc on the edges now on all wheels. So don't feel so bad.
As others have said there are lots of wheel repair companies. Call your dealer and ask who they use. It sounds like a very small area, so you might want to buy a bottle of classic silver touch up paint from the dealer, and do a DIY. Several light coats (as opposed to one thick coat) is the way to go. I suspect it will be satisfactory, and you'll likely save ~$100 vs. the wheel repair guys.
I've done this on lots of factory wheels (either buying them used at a cheap price, or because my wife can't park without hitting the curb) and it's very easy to use an epoxy filler and shape it on the rim, then sand it smooth before applying a primer. Blending the paint is the tough part and that takes some practice to get it right, but it's actually pretty easy to do and you can't tell any difference, even in direct sunlight. Just make sure you get the right color paint.
Yes! Check around. There are vans that I have seen at dealerships that repair alloy wheels on site. Check you local listings. I have a friend who had one of his rims repaired , You have to look hard and long to find it.
Thanks for your detailed reply. I guess being a perfectionist has made it difficult to do the touch up. The metallic silver just doesn't match when used with a paint brush and it is too small an area to spray. I'll keep on working with it until I get it right or I screw it up. (Most likely the latter.) Thanks again.
PS. I'm using the touch up paint sold for the 2010 silver Prius. Is there a paint color for the wheels?
Hi Shrink13, I've run into the same problem with my 17" wheels as well. Did you end up finding a satisfactory touch up colour?
We've got the 2010 Silver Prius with 17" rims, and I've found the body color (in pen format, color at one end, clear coat at the other) is a perfect match.