just "upgraded" from a 2008 Prius to the Prius V with the ATP. I need to decide between the 10" or the 8" bazooka subwoofer. There is no real 'bass' with the Green system...even with the bass set at 10 and the midtones and treble set at 1! Any insight as to which size I should have installed? Not concerned about the size difference. Do want to know if there is an appreciable sound difference to warrant the extra expense. Thanks!
I think an 8" will be fine for most listening tastes as long as you have a good amp as well. How do you plan on powering the sub? I saw you have the ATP so you have the JBL system with the amp. Not familiar with the amp setup they included but does it have another channel for you to plug the sub into or will you need to bridge it? If you add another amp you may need to figure out how it will interface with the OEM head unit as well. Not sure if the JBL system and amp plug directly into the OEM head unit or goes through some audio control device. I have a base version so I upgraded my speakers and added an amp. I also had to add an audio control device to interface with the head unit. I will eventually add an 8" sub in a custom made box to fit in the right rear space.
The Bazooka comes with its own amplifier. It should be a fast install (30 minutes or so). They both are 100 watts; the only thing different is the size of the magnet. yet one site said size isn't as important as is the material it is made from. Maybe I am over-thinking and should just go with the 8".
Purchased the 8"; the 10" sounded "sloppy" - just a lot of noise. It comes with its own amplifier. Just have to pull a very accessible plug and undo two velcro straps and out it comes if i need storage. It sounds good especially for the price.
Sure - will do when it stops raining...have to take all my horse/saddle stuff out the back...very small footprint...
Here is a link to a Bazooka installed in a Prius (not v). Given the back seat configuration are the same for both models, I thought these images would work for now. Two differences. 1. The Bazooka I have is centered along the wider back seat with only 2" clearance from the side of the car. In these pictures, it is centered in the middle of the car. I was told that the subwoofer needs the corner to bounce its sound off. 2. They installed it with the optional chrome. I had it installed with the velco straps. I prefer the straps for they are just screwed into the floor - not raised as are the chrome. AND if you need to take the subwoofer out, the velco straps just fall against the floor taking up very little space. I asked the installer to install the wiring first so i could test the 8 and 10" subwoofers. I knew i was going to get one; just didn't know which one. They didn't need to use the velcro to test so if the straps needed to be positioned differently due to the size difference, it could be done easily after i made my choice. Both subwoofers have a screw on the side where it plugs in so you can adjust the amount of bass (can't really adjust from the audio system). The 8 isn't at top sound and it fills in nicely. I don't know what your music tastes are but if you have/can borrow Celine Dion's "Power of Love" it provides a great test - her high voice along with the music's bass... Here is the link - if you would like a photograph of what I have, i will upload in a couple of days. Product Review - Bazooka BTA6100 Subwoofer Linda