I added the Prius Plug In to my auto insurance when I picked it up last week. The premium is about $400 per year more than my other vehicle (a Lexus which actually cost more when purchased than my PIP basic) but the exact same coverage. I called my agent at State Farm to make sure they applied all the normal discounts (good driver, multi car, etc.). He said yes, but could not explain why the PIP was so much more than the Lexus. Just curious - is insurance for the PIP more than regular vehicles of similar cost? Anyone else experience this? Looks like I'm going to be shopping for insurance quotes.
I have State Farm as well, and my premium only increased $35 for the 6 month period ending 6/21. That is over what I was already paying for a 2006 Prius. I got the same deductibles and multi-line, and multi-vehicle discounts as I was paying before. The agent did advise me during the pre-order process to put insurance coverage on old Prius "on suspension" until the new PiP arrives. She said that would save me some accumulated discounts etc since i was replacing Prius with a Prius. The next full renewal will tell for sure.
My insurance went down by about $30 a year coming from a late model Civic to the PiP even though it's a much more expensive vehicle. Something seems fishy here.
Not really as the cost of premium depends on a number of factors, the primary being your sex, age, and vehicle type. As an example when I moved from a 2000 Prelude to a 2004 Mercedes C class AMG (equivalent to a M3) my insurance for 6 months went up by a mere $120 even though the car is 3 times the price. Civics and Preludes are classified as high risk/theft vehicles and therefore carry a higher premium. Though in mind a car with about 150 more hp should be higher risk For reference my new Prius Plug In is adding about $230/6 months over my existing premium to cover *2* cars instead of 1. Pretty much in line with what I expected.
I have Liberty Mutual and got a $400 increase also. It depends on the state your in. NJ is way higher then say PA and they are next to each other.
I have USAA and going from my 2010 Prius V with AT to my 2012 PiP Advanced my insurance went up about $200 for the 6 month policy. So similar to crewdog...
My premium increased by $234 over my '06 Prius for the remaining 9 months of my Auto Club policy, with the same rating criteria, discounts, etc. So on an annual basis, I would expect it to be a $312 increase.
We actually saw a reduction in our overall monthly payment when I added the PiP as a 5th car to the policy. We're with State Farm as well, which carries our homeowners policy & personal umbrella policy, so we're in for tons of discounts...
I switched from AAA to Allstate and saved $16.00 a month, plus AAA doesn't have vanishing deductible, Allstate does.
Allstate for my 2007 Prius was $339.70 / 6 months and now my 2012 PIP is $358.70 / 6 months or $38 more per year for the newer car. My wife's 2012 Camaro Convertable 6 cyl 6-speed is $390.70 / 6 months. So I'm saving gas and insurance !!!
Geico - $90 more for 6 months compared to removed 2011 Prius III, 100 comp deductible, 500 collision deductible. Increase was mainly in the comp/collision, liability remained the same.
Mine increased $40/mo from my 2006 Accord. I increased my deductibles both to $500 and that brought it down by $20, but geez. They said the Accord was group 16 and the PiP is group 24. So... I will be shopping around for some new quotes. This is State Farm.
Ugh. I just did a bunch of online quotes and what I have is the cheapest ($600/6 mo, 100/300/50 + uninsured motorist, $500/500 ded, w/ multiline for homeowners, no claims, no accidents, loyalty discount). I don't get it!
Sandiegomom, Your increase sounds just about what mine is. I'm also with State Farm. The clerk could not explain why the big increase on the phone. I'm going to see the agent next week and ask him why the big increase just because it's a PIP. Heck, these cars are not exactly high performance sports cars! I also do not think they are very high on the stolen vehicle frequency list. I just don't get the reason for the increase.