The last update I got from Toyota was that my car went to port on March 19th. I've heard nothing since then. Dealer (Toyota of Hollywood) is less than useless. They don't answer the phone, and when I go to ask for an update in person, they'll say, "Oh, the Plug-In Prius? Those are on backorder right now." When I explain slowly the I preordered a car and paid a deposit and that it shipped three weeks ago and I just want to know when it will arrive, then I'm told, "Oh, the guy who handles that isn't in today." Not happy with any of this, and getting moreso every day. I'm sure it'd be less agonizing if I'd known about Diane when I preordered. But I suspect I'd still feel like Toyota was providing dribbles of useless information just to torture me. That's all. Just needed to vent.
Tom, I felt like this a few weeks back. I sent a PM to erica, and found her to be very helpfull. If your car shows shipping on the 19th, I would imagine its real close to being in port, as you are on the west coast. My car left port on the 10th, and just arrived (no email, nothing on site) last night. I am on the east coast. My dealer printed out my sticker with VIN. Have you called and asked for the Internet Manager ? -Mike
The Plug-in Prius? I don't think they are making those anymore. I've seen a number of threads with people complaining about the loss of their deposits, and wondering if anyone has been able to get their money back. Of course I'm kidding. I just wanted to add to your torture. Tom
If your car left Japan three weeks ago, it may be that it has only recently arrived at Long Beach. It's frustrating when your dealer won't provide updated info, but they probably don't have anyone there who is as savvy and customer-oriented as Dianne. The dealer will probably be surprised to see the car show up on a truck one of these days. If I were you, I would keep checking back in person, and perhaps make contact with the people who receive the cars as they come in. Good luck.
I agree, your PiP is probably in Long Beach by now. I am hoping - though I haven't heard anything yet - that mine is on Cetus Leader which left Japan 3/24. It should dock in Long Beach sometime later today or tonight. So if your car left Japan 4-5 days ahead of mine and everything else along the way is the same, then I'd think your car might still be at PORT getting outfitted. Not sure how long it takes once the ship has docked, but it's more than a few days.
My car took 10 days to arrive at the dealer (Carson) after port arrival. I think that's on the long side, but remember Friday was a holiday for some, etc... Still no excuse for lack of communication, but I'd say you're still within range. The so-called "last email you will receive from us about your PIP" I got from Toyota seemed to coincide (approximately) with when it was headed to Dianne on a truck - meaning I got the call 1-2 days later.
I think that my car took about 10-12 days to travel over to the port...and it was at Carson Toyota 3 days after the ship docked...but that was pretty quick. I would think that a car could take 1-2 weeks to get from the port to the dealer. I think that Dianne at Carson has always offered to track cars for anyone. You might try sending the details to her. Your dealer is just lazy....
Sorry about the torture. I've experienced that a little myself while waiting for my car to arrive. Just know that when it gets here you're going to absolutely LOVE IT!!!! My car has exceeded my every expectation; I couldn't be happier... The wait is almost over.
qbee42, I went through this not very long ago and I didn't even get a tiny little giggle from your comment. TomE, the wait comes to a happy end. It absolutely does feel like we are being abandoned. Erica and her staff "get it". But she has a heavy load to carry so don't ask more of her than you need. Patience is really hard but it will be okay.
Tom, almost certainly your car is at the port and waiting for a truck to transport it. My car arrived friday and just didn't get out due to the holiday. I am thinking it will get to the dealer (i was told takes 3-5 days typically) so hopefully we will all have some good news soon! Have to admit getting a little anxious myself!! Hang in there!
Tom you need to take your paper work and go in person and speak with the sales manager. It's not all that uncomon that people at a dealership don't know what's going on, sad to say! Do follow through with Erica , and best of luck, your going to lover the car big time
Hi! Mine from the time it landed in the port to my dealer was 3 weeks to the day! Enjoy it when you get it. It should be really close, I would think. Just a note the order page did not show my car in the port until 3 day's after I recieved it go figure!
You'll be happy when you get it though. I just filled up (for only the 2nd time and each time I only took 8 gallons since I was not on E) and while the numbers are not exact I have only used ~16 gallons for 1150 miles traveled since delivery of mine. With $4.17 gas around here I smile each time I pass a gas station.