i have had my black prius 4 for 3 weeks now and just filled up for the first time. i noticed that when i reset everything and drove home, the avg mph were super low (13) when i know most of the time i was going about 35. anyone else notice that this reading is kinda inaccurate? thanks and glad to be part of the family now
Yeah, "most of the time". No, it's no inaccurate. It registers all the time your car is on including sitting at stop lights. Next time you're on the highway, reset it and watch it register highway speeds.
I think you mean Avg MPG, not "MPH." it should get better when your car warms-up and you drive at a constant speed.
Fotomoto is correct. Unless you never stop, slow down or accelerate your average mph will be lower than what you think it ought to be, I.e. your cruising speed. A rule of thumb for my commute is 46mph average indicated speed yet I cruise at 60-65mph for 46miles of my 47mile commute. On ramps, off ramps, and stops really drop the average speed.
If you want to test it go down the highway and set the cruise control, then reset the one of the trip odometers. After you have gone a few miles check the average speed, if you haven't changed the cruise control setting the average should be the speed you have been going.